Inside the Dam

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Hoover Dam, Nevada

Matsuri felt herself being drug along in chains down a large tunnel, in the depth of the dam. She was half out of it because of the drugs they shot into her during the flight there. The drugs were mostly muscle relaxers and drowsy medicine to make sure that she was kept in line.

"How does it feel?" A deep, gravely voice suddenly entered her half-dreaming mind. "To know that these...insects...think of you as a mere test scrap? To be betrayed by your own species?"

'Fuck off.' I thought back. 'I still have my brother, his girlfriend and my foster parents. Now Get out of my head!'

"Fleshling, You are a part of me, weather you like it or not. You have my metal, my CNA. Therefore, you belong to me as a half-breed heir so to speak." With that, the voice disappeared, leaving her alone with the guards. They turned the corner and there, walking towards us, was Sam, Mikeala and some of the people.

"Mats!" Sam quickly ran to me, only to get stop by her guards.

"Why the hell is there a teenager here all chained up?!" I heard an older voice questioned.

"It's not a teenager." Simmons stated. "It's a Bio-weapon."

"That is correct." the voice of Tom, the guy that had brought the secretary to Hoover dam. "She is the result of successfully fusing the alien's metal with that of the human. Her metal arm is the product of it. The ears though...we have no idea."

"You experiment on little kids?!" A voice snarled.

"Only the ones who aren't wanted." Simmons unhelpfully stated.

"Take those chains off." the old voice stated.

"What? But Keller sir-" Simmons tried to argue but the Sec Def would have none of it.

"Now agent."

With a look from Tom, the agents that surrounded Matsuri unlocked and slipped the chains off, causing her to start falling forward, resulting in Sam catching her.

"Sis, focus on me alright?" Sam told her but her eyes remained half-lidded. "Sis?" He turned to glare at the agents. "What the hell did you do?!"

"We only gave her sedatives, they should wear off soon." answered one.

"Shit, I can't carry her like I use to, not with my back all sore." Sam huffed. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw one of the army guys, Major Lennox he remembers, kneeling down next to him.

"I'll take her then. I promise I'll take care of her." He promised. Sam hesitated for a moment before handing the girl over to the older man. Lennox lifted the girl up in his arms bridal style Before they began to move. The group moved into a viewing room that looked into the hangar where the Allspark sat, dormant.

Matsuri slowly forced her eyes to open fully before she turned her head. She watched as the cube sparked once and she felt the sedatives slowly dissolve. Of course, she didn't want anyone to know that she had recovered so she decided to still act like she was under the effects.

"Wait." she heard a light Australian accented voice spoke. "You said the dam hides the cube's energy, What kind exactly?"

"Follow us." Tom stated before he and Simmons led the group into a steel room. "Everyone step inside. They have to lock us in." Once the group was inside, the steel doors shut behind them and locked.

"Does anyone have a device? Blackberry, Cellphone?" Asked Simmons.

"I got a phone." Glenn, the black civilian that came with the Australian, Maggie, stated as he took out his phone and threw it to Simmons who caught it. He put it in the glass box, mumbling about the type of phone it was before shutting it.

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