Got the Car

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Tranquility, Nevada

Matsuri sat in her room, reading a novel that she got from Ron and Judy, her foster parents although she never called either of them her parents, it didn't feel right. She had her black bandana off and her little neko ears twitched at every little sound. She heard a car pull up and then Judy's voice.

"Matsuri! Sammy's back and looks like he got his new car!"

She stood and walked over to her mirror to retrieve her bandana. She looked herself in the mirror and studied her reflection.

She had maroon hair that went down to her chin and two, furry maroon ears poking out on her head and she had unnaturally light blue eyes, almost turning a white color. She wore a dark red t-shirt, a black jacket, black gloves, dark green cargo jeans and black and red sneakers.

She slipped on her bandanna to hide her Neko ears and walked down stairs, heading outside. She saw Ron's car in the driveway as well as a new car she hasn't seen except from TV. From what she could tell, it was early to late seventies yellow Camaro with black racing stripes and rusted in some places.

Sam appeared, getting out of the car and she walked over to him.

"Nice ride." she commented.

"Thanks, it costed four grand luckily." He grinned slightly. She rolled her eyes and slipped over to the drivers slid inside, looking around the interior. She was impressed at how good the condition was in it despite how the outside looked. She looked down at the steering wheel and sucked in a breath.

A red symbol stared up at her, in a shape of a robotic face. It looked familiar to her, almost like the one she saw on some metal...thing, but it was silver and more...she couldn't think of the word to describe it.

"Hey Matsuri, you alright?" Sam's voice cut through her thoughts and she looked up at him before nodding and stepping out of the car.

"Come on, I need to go to that party by the lake with Miles." He stated as he headed in the house with Matsuri trailing after him.

"Yeah, have fun with that." She called and went into her room and plopped down on the bed on her back. She could hear the engine start and Sam pulling out and driving off.

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