To the Witwicky house!

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Tranquility, Nevada

After the little sibling bonding scene, Optimus had started to narrate as he created hologram to go along with his story about what happened on Cybertron. Matsuri took it all in as she watched the events unfold until she finally saw Megatron. Her heart froze as she suddenly remembered bits and pieces from her time as an experiment.


She was led into the room by a doctor. It was massive and very, very cold for the girl but what gave her the real chills was the giant frozen being standing in the middle of the room, its eyes dark and its mouth gaping in what looked like a silent roar or battle cry.

"Sir, I brought the girl as you requested." Said the doctor who stood beside her to the balding man in front of her. The man turned towards them and nodded.

"Take her to the prepping room."

With that, the doctor led the girl down another tunnel, her eyes looking at the giant until it was out of sight. It seemed...familiar somehow.


"Matsuri, Earth to Matsuri!" A voice broke her from the memory, making her blink. She saw Sam and Mikeala looking at her in concern.

"Sorry guys, I was off in lala land." she grinned sheepishly.

"Well get back to reality sis, we have to go find grandpa's glasses." Sam stated before walking over to the newly transformed Bumblebee, followed by Mikeala. Matsuri watched before putting her jacket and gloves on. She was about to follow when a black topkick pulled up in front of her, opening the door. She blinked in surprised, not expecting it.

"Well kid, ya getting in or what?" Ironhide's voice came through the radio, making her jump. She quickly slipped into the passenger's seat and the seat belt came across her and clicked into place. The door shut and then they were off, driving out of the alleyway. The first half of the drive was silent until Ironhide decided to ask something about what happened earlier.

"Why did your brother and the femme get embarrassed and why were you laughing when Ratchet said about the two wanting to mate?"

Matsuri blinked and looked at the radio.

" don't go off saying that. That's not how human works. They have to start dating before any of...that...can happen or even after they get married."

"Married? What is that?"

"It's basically when two people who love each other want to be together in a legal sense, like when you get married you take on the man's last name." Matsuri explained. Ironhide hummed in thought.

"So, like sparkmates?"


"Sparkmates. I suppose it would be soulmates in your culture. You can only have one sparkmate though and no one else. Some say that sparkmates are predetermined by Primus himself, our god in a sense though he is very real."

" you have a sparkmate?"

"You already met him." She could hear smugness in his voice and she thought about who it could be.


"Yes, nice guess."

"Thank you. Bumblebee..."

"Ours? no but we did take him in when he was only a sparkling- a baby in your terms- and he has been with us ever since."

"What are the terms for parents?"

"The correct term is creator and the term for the father would be sire and the term for mother would be carrier. The parents can be either a femme with a femme, a mech with a mech or a mech with a femme."

"Huh...sounds like paradise..."she mumbled. "Do you have a kid?"

"Yes, though I haven't seen him since the beginning of the war. After we had him, we started to try for another but that didn't work, so we thought that adopting would be the best, especially in times of war."

"I see..."

"What about your parents?" he asked her curiously.

"I don't remember my biological parents and I just can't see Sam's parents as mine. I just don't feel connected to them. I'm just a non-blood relative living in their house."

"Ah, I see..." he hummed. "We're here."

He slowly pulled to a stop and undid the seat belt and opened the door, so she could get out. When she hopped out, she saw Sam running into the backyard and she walked over to Mikeala.

"So... I'm guessing we are supposed to watch the bots?" She asked her.

"Yep." the older teen answered. Suddenly, they heard gears and metal grinding and they looked behind them and saw that the bots were transforming.

"No! Get back into your vehicle mode!" She ordered hastily but was ignored as Optimus walked into the backyard, making me let out a groan. The autobots followed suite and she sighed before walking after them, followed by Mikeala. She saw Sam running over to them with a frantic look on her face.

"I told you to watch them!" Sam scolded.

"Well, uh...they seem to be in a hurry."

"Oh yeah, we can totally keep giant alien robots from doing what they want." Matsuri stated sarcastically. "So... what did you tell Ron about me?"

"That you were over at a friend's house that likes mechanical stuff." Sam shrugged.

"Good cover up."

Barking was heard, and they looked over and saw Mojo running over to Ironhide and proceeded to piss on his foot. Matsuri managed to stiffen a giggle before following Sam over. Sam quickly scooped up the little dog just as Ironhide pointed his guns at him.

"You have a rodent infestation, shall I terminate?" Ironhide asked gruffly, glaring at the dog.

"No no! This is Mojo! He's a chihuahua, we love chihuahuas don't we?" He turned towards Matsuri for help and she just shrugged.

"It leaked lubricant all over my foot!"

"H-he peed on you? bad Mojo." Sam hastily scolded the dog.

"Bad Mojo." Ironhide repeated, making me giggle. "My foot's going to rust." He huffed. Matsuri ran into a shed and grabbed a rag before coming back and did her best to clean the mech's foot. Once that was done, she threw the rag out as Optimus step on Ron's fountain and Sam hurried inside. After trying to get the bots to go, Optimus lifted Mikeala to Sam's window and she walked in and they FINALLY decided to leave. Ratchet wasn't paying attention, so he ran into some powerlines and fail, making the block have a black out.

"Wow! That was tingly! You should try that!" Ratchet let out...a... moan? Matsuri raised an eyebrow at the mech. Did Ratchet really just get….

"Yeah, that looks fun." Ironhide stated sarcastically though there was a hint of amusement in his tone.

After almost getting caught by Sam's parents a few minutes later, Matsuri heard SUVs pull up and Optimus and his team pull back. They could see Sam and Mikeala being escorted with handcuffs into one and the SUV went off and the bots followed it with Matsuri being with Ironhide.

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