Small sibling Bonding

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Tranquility, Nevada

Matsuri heard the front door opening later on, after nightfall. She slowly got up and made her way down stairs and stood at the foot at the steps. She saw Sam closing the door before yawning and rubbing her eyes.

"Sam." She called, causing Sam turned and looked at her.

"Matsuri, what are you still doing up? Its ten."

"I know, but I wanted to wait for you." She told him. Sam's eyes soften and pat her head, between the little neko ears. He knew about them thanks to an accident the two have had, where Matsuri's bandana was sent flying off of her head. He would never forget that day. She was so scared about what he would think and that she would be rejected. He had hugged her, making promises of not leaving her.

"So, did you get the girl yet?" she asked teasingly.

"I'm still working on that."

"You better hurry before all of the girls are taken."

"Yeah yeah, come on we need to get to bed." he told her as he walked up the stairs. The both reached the top and walked to their respective rooms.

Matsuri went into her room and plopped down on her bed with a sigh. She held her gloved left hand up and stared at it, her ears twitching every now and again. She let out a soft sigh before turning on her side and shut her eyes. Soon after, she fell asleep.

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