Chapter 17

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( JK on the only two more chapters thing. I was short on time when I typed the last chapter.) 

" Come on, Vlad, I know you can do better than that," I said, as his feet slid across the floor, the wall catching him. 

" I just don't like fighting women, OK." 

" That's why you're holding back? You can't do that. It will get you killed someday." 

" I know. It's just how I was raised, you know."  

" I do. I guess we're done for today, huh?" 

" I use to think that way until a woman stabbed me in my eye," Vanez said, walking in. " You have to watch out for women boy, there mean creatures." 

" Did you hit your head before I came back? You lost one toa tiger and the other to a blade held by a man." 

" I was trying to help." 

" I know, but look, the truth makes people laugh. Are you going to help or are you going to stare at us?"

" No. OK.  I appreciate the laugh, but I don't fight disabled people either." 

" If you can laugh at me, you can fight me boy." Vanez said, taking my sword.

" I wasn't laughing at you. I swear. Just let me stop for the day, alright. Mika will be back tomorow." 

" Geez guys. Leave him alone. You're scaring the shit out of him." Yuna said walking into the Gameroom.

" Yuna-" 

" Do not Yuna me. It's not funny. His hearts going crazy." 

Vanez and I shared a glance, then I sighed. " Fine. You're free to go." 

He ran off and I exhaled. " It's Halloween, we had to scare him."

" You're a bitch." Yuna turned and went after Vlad. 

" I'll be back," I said, turning around and exited the Gameroom, and turned to get grabbed from one of the tunnel entrances. 

" You bitch." I laughed after Yuna broke our kiss. 

" Happy Halloween love." 

" Was Vlad on this too?" I asked. 

" Afraid not." 

" Emma?" Vlad asked, his voice traveling through the hallway. " Hey, I can't find Ajax. He was with Arrow and he disappeared. I know you were just playing with me. Emma?" 

" Where did he last see him?" I asked as Yuna and I walked out of the new tunnel.

" I'm afraid he's currently being turned," Misha said as Vlad's lifeless body was flung towards us. " It's a shame he doesn't have that little skill of yours." 

I caught Vlad. " Hey, come on kiddo." 

No pulse, damn it. 

" I've been looking forward to this day, we both have," Misha said as that homicidal bitch appeared next to her. " Hi yeah Emme." 

" Go find Ajax," I said as I put my wrist in Vlad's mouth and closed it onto my wrist, his teeth digging into my skin as blood began to come out. " I'll handle Vlad and these cunts." 

Vlad started to swallow my blood, then stopped after a few gulps. 

" Drink more, you need it." 

" If I do, you'll be weakened. I'll be fine." 

I stood as I played his body down and then stepped over him, guarding him. " I'm guessing this is the day I end you both?" 

" As it has been written," Misha said. " And spoiler warning, you're not the one who wins this." 

" Actually, I am," I said as we were transported outside, separating us as the blizzard continued. " COME GET ME YOU CUNTS!" 

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