Chapter 5

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 ( Steve's P.O.V.)

" Will this be a problem, Emma?" Paris asked, sympathy in his voice. 

" No, it won't." She exhaled, looking at me, then Darren. 

" How well did you know him, if I may ask." Arrow asked. 

" Well enough to know that he could have done this out of free will." 

" So, you suspect Mr. Tiny is behind this?" Mr. Crepsley asked. 

" Of course I do. Steve didn't go over to the Vampaneze side, so he brainwashed someone else I care about to take his place. Sounds like something he would do, doesn't it, Sire's?" 

" Agreed," Mika said. " Speaking of Vampaneze, they have been recruiting humans to help to their work. And these humans carry firearms." 

" Which makes me think. I deeply doubt we can fight guns with swords, sticks, and axes much longer. No offense to your rules Sire's. I am merely pointing it out." 

The Prince's looked at each other, and after a few moments of silence, Paris spoke. 

" Let it be known, I say this out of choice, not pressure. Times have changed. We will not allow firearms, but instead, we will allow other long ranged weapons, such as bow's and their counterparts, the crossbow. Throwing knives and shurikens will also be allowed." 

" If I do remember correctly Emma, you were pretty good with a bow back in the day." 

" What are you now, fifty?" Emma asked me. " Or did Mika rub off on you too much?" 

" It happens after six years of being at his side." 

" Sure. Either that or you're trying to impress me for some reason." 

" Would you mind training our people who would like to start using that weapon?" Paris asked. 

" I wouldn't mind." 

" The question is, how exactly are we going to track him down." Darren pointed out. " You can't use your powers." 

" Would it be alright if I went to my Uncle for some help. If I do have to track him down using my powers, two minds are better than one." 

Again, the Prince's shared glance's, and silence fell. 

" We agree with your plans." 

Emma stood there, silent for a few minutes.  

" Em?" I asked. 

" Emma?" Paris asked. 

" I apologize, I was talking with Mr. Tall. What did you say?" 

" We agree with your plan." Mika said. 

" The Cirque Du Freak is in our hometown currently, and they are not planning on moving destinations." 

" Who would like to join Emma Shan on her adventure. I already know her friends want to come with her, but down anyone else want to join them?" 

" I will go." Mr. Cresley said, followed by a few I's from a few other Vampires and Generals.

" Would you like to join us, Arrow, Mika?" Emma asked. 

" I am afraid I will sit this one out." Mika said, then getting a glance from me, then Arrow. 

" Are you sure? I thought you of all Vampires want the Vampaneze Lord dead? You did spend six years searching for him." 

" She has a point, brother." Arrow pointed out. 

" I am exhausted. You may go with her if you wish." 

" Don't let me get in the way of your goal, Mika," Emma said. " I know you like me, I am not blind." 

" You heard her," Steve said. " Come co-lead our last mission." 

" I'm guessing I cannot keep refusing this offer?" 

" No, you cannot." 

" At what time are we leaving tomorrow?" 

" At dawn." 

( Darren's P.O.V.) 

Harkat joined me on my tunnel patrol later that day. 

" Have your nightmare's gotten worse?" I asked him. 

" No. It's still the same...thing." 

" Maybe Mr. Tall can help you." 

" I hope so." 

We made it to the end of the tunnel we were in and stood there. " It feels a little chilly. Maye it's last Autumn or early winter." 

Harkat didn't respond, so I looked over at him. His eyes were glossed over. " The Dragon King is here." 

" Who's the Dragon King?" 

Out of nowhere, Harkat jumped off of the ledge, and slide down the rest of the hill. Confused and concerned, I jumped off and followed him.  

Harkat froze, his eyes looking in the distance, and wouldn't answer me. 

" Hello boys, are you my welcoming committee?" Mr. Tiny's voice said, filling the air as he appeared. " You've grown, young Shan, and you have changed too, Harkat Mulds. As I always knew you would."  

" Why are you hear, Desmond?" I asked, stepping in front of Harkat. 

" I bring news of the Vampaneze Lord." 

I couldn't believe his nerve, coming here after everything that he had done. 

" We don't need your news, nor need you involved. Trying to choose our own paths are getting hard enough without you getting involved."

" I would hold your tongue if I were you boy, or I will rip it out." Mr. Tiny threatened. 

I took a step forward. " Then take it." 

" The day we fight has not yet come, Darren Shan, so you will be excused." Mr. Tiny said as he passed Harkat and I. 

" Emma, Steve, Desmond's here." 

" Where?" Emma asked. 

" Outside of tunnel nineteen." 

" Do not engage." Mr. Crepsley told us. 

" Are you kidding me? We can take him Larten."  Emma said. 

" He has planned for you to do it. All four of you need to report to the Hall at once." 

" We're on our way." I told him. 

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