Chapter 1

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( Emma's P.O.V.) 

I felt so hungry, I couldn't take it anymore. Hungry...I am I hungry? Blood...why did I want blood? I wasn't a vampire. That's right, I'm not a Vampire, I'm a Vampaneze. I was created to kill. Isn't killing bad? Who cares, I need blood. 

My eyes opened to find myself chained up in a cell. My eyes floated around the room until I spotted Yuna, hunger filling her eyes. My gums and teeth ached, and my throat was so dry.

I wanted to talk to her, but I couldn't, all that came out was air. 

Yuna crept closer and closer to me, then leaped onto me, sinking her teeth into the right side of my neck, the exact same place the Vampaneze bit me. I felt fainter and fainter by the second. Why couldn't I bite her back? I needed to bit her back. 

My body became limp as Yuna was pulled off of me by Mr. Crepsley. 

" Emma? Emma? Can you hear me, sweetheart?" Rose asked as she turned my head to where she could see my eyes.  

" Rose, be careful, she could attack you." Percy pointed out. 

" I doubt it, she's dying." She said as she took a syringe out. " Now, let's fix you girls up." 

Rose stuck the syringe in her arm, drew blood, and injected it into me. I could feel the Vampaneze blood vanishing, but I still felt so cold. 

" Larten, get her to the station, and hook her up to an I.V." 

( Larten's P.O.V.) 

She barely weighed anything. " Hang in there, Emma." 

I flitted to the Nurse's Station and hooked her up to an I.V., the bag full of Rose's blood. 

I heard Emma trying to say something, but all that came out of her mouth was air. 

" Save your energy and rest. You need to rest." 

" Yuna." She said, huskily.  

" Get her hooked up, hurry!" Percy said as Steve flitted in with Yuna in his hands. 

Percy hurried over after Steve laid her onto the bed and hooked her up to an I.V., Rose's blood entering her body. 

( Steve's P.O.V.) 

" Em's, stay with me." Steve said, looking at that horrible bite mark. 

" There are bandages and disinfectant in the back." Percy said as he darted past me. I didn't see where he was going, and I didn't quite care at this time. The only thing that was on my mind was helping Emma. 

Once I bandaged her up, I watched her chest rise and fall, listen to her heartbeat, saw the color come back into her. 

My sister was back. I sighed in relief when Emma gripped my hand. 

" I'm so sorry." She said, her voice shot to hell. 

" What matters is that your you now." I reminded her. 

" No one should have to go through that."

" I thought I lost you." 

" I would hug you, but I can't get up." 

" You need to rest."  

Emma turned her head towards Yuna, who was still knocked out cold, then looked back at me. " Don't blame her." 

" I'm trying." 

She gripped my hand tighter as her eyes shut for the second time. 

( Vanez's P.O.V.) 

Recovering from the attack was very hard, considering we lost friends, however, once the news of Emma's and Yuna's recovery reached us, it lifted some weight off our chests. The Prince's called a meeting, putting Steve and Darren's trials on hold until the War was over, and Kurda's Trial would be held tomorrow night.

" They will prove themselves worthy before this war is over," I told the Prince's as the Hall emptied out. " As I did." 

" We are aware." Arrow said. 

Mika was quieter than usual, his eyes slightly covered by his hand, rubbing his forehead. 

" She will recover, both of them," I told the Prince's. " Do not fret." 

" What should I say to her?" Mika asked, not meaning to say it aloud. Who am I kidding, she is with Yuna. She doesn't like me. She never will. I am retiring to my chamber. Wake me at midnight. 

Mika left, and the air around us became lighter. 

We looked at each other, was Mika's mood be controlling the atmosphere?

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