Chapter 6

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" It's stood the test of time quite well, hasn't it?" Mr. Tiny asked. 

" What is the meaning of this, Desmond?" Mr. Crepsley asked. 

" Are all present and correct?" Mr. Tiny asked, crossing his right leg, getting comfortable in my throne. " Then I shall get straight to the point. The Lord of the Vampaneze has been blooded, and before you ask, my dear Emma, he is loving his life quite well." 

Emma was bitting the tip of her tongue so hard, I started to smell her blood.  

" No snarky come back? I would expect more from Darcy's daughter." 

" Excuse me, Sire's." Emma said, then turned on her heels to leave, before her and Lithi collapsing on the ground, screaming in pain, holding their stomachs as they curled up. 

" That is quite enough!" Arrow boomed. 

" You would be wise do not tell me what to do, considering your top fighters are screaming in agony before you." 

A spike made of rock flew towards Mr. Tiny, then stopped right before his head was impaled. 

" Who said we couldn't fight back?" Lithi said, her tone full of pain. 

" You are no longer welcome here, Desmond Tiny. Please take your leave." Mika said, his gaze turning serious.

" It is a shame to not be able to help my creations live. I shall see you all when you die." 

And with that, a portal appeared and he left, allowing us to flood to Emma and Lithi's aid. 

" I fell like my damn liver exploded." Emma exhaled as she lay on her back as Mr. Crepsley examined her. 

" As far as I can tell, you are fine. However, you may want a second opinion from Percy." 

She sat up, then took Steve's hand to help her up. 

" The hell was his deal?" Steve asked. 

" It's clear he wants Lithi and me dead," Emma said. " So we need to get on this thing before his day to kill us comes." 

" I would say we leave as soon as possible, but it's still daytime out there." I pointed out. 

" I can always cover up with something." 

" Are you sure? Sun burn's a bitch." 

" I'm aware." 

" Mommy, don't go." Ajax said as he wrapped his arms around Emma's left leg, then looked up, tears in his eyes. 

" I would say if I wanted to, but I have to go save the world." 

" I want to be a superhero too." I wined. 

" You have to be a little older to pal, I'm sorry." 

" I'll stay here." Yuna said. 

" Never mind, you get to play superhero with Mommy." 

" When will you be back?" 

" Two to three months tops. You think you can wait that long, Superman?" 

" Were in a cave Mommy, I'm Batman." 

" OK, Batman. Now, while I'm gone, you need to go find the Joker, OK?" 

I kissed his head and Yuna took him away. " Thanks for the backup guys." 

" What do yeah mean, you had it." I told her. 

" She must have. You didn't see him balling, did you?" Steve asked. 

" Go pack." She said, then followed a group of Vampire's out, forgetting to check on Lithi. 

( Mika's P.O.V.) 

" Is everyone ready to go?" Emma asked. 

" Yes, ma'am." Darren said. 

" Be careful on the rocks, I don't want to have to lug you guys all the way back up here." 

We left the mountain through the west tunnel and made it off the mountain just as expected. 

Emma kept glancing at the map quite frequently. 

" Em, we're going the right direction, I promise you." Darren told her. 

" He is correct, we are going in the right direction." I told her. 

" Making sure we're going the right direction isn't against the law. Let me do my thing." 

" Turn left here." Lithi said in the best GPS voice she could.

" Fine, whatever." Emma said as she put the map back in Darren's backpack. 

We were on the road only for half an hour. We stopped under a path of tree's that completely blocked the sunlight.  

I wasn't tired, nor was the rest of the group, so we just took a break and kept moving. It wasn't till later in the night that we sat up in a field under the star populated sky. 

Every time I drifted off, I would awaken by Emma scratching the bite Yuna gave her. 

" Sorry I keep waking you up, this thing is unbelievable itchy." 

" It isn't your fault, I'm just a light sleeper." 

" I wanted to thank you for speaking against Tiny like that. I actually think you scared him." 

" I do not think that at all. I just didn't want anyone you cared for on the floor screaming in pain." 

" We can be friends, Mika. I know you like me. You don't have to be so distant." 

" I do apologize that we have to hunt down your friend." 

" I appreciate it. I do want to ask you something." 

" Yes?" 

" What do you like most about me?" 

" May I have a moment to think?" 

" You have to think about it?"

" Yes. I'm trying to come up with something no one has ever said." 

" You flatter me too much, sir." Emma said in a different tone, then chuckled. Her smile was so beautiful. So was her personality. Her eyes. Everything about her was screaming beautiful. 

" That's a first." She said. 

" What do you mean?" 

" Everything about me is beautiful." 

I forgot she can read minds. She's known I've liked her all this time. And she was alright with it. 

" Because I'm not that much of a bitch. That's my secret by the way." 

" I didn't know my parent's either," I said. " Arrow was the one who found me. My maker just left me after he turned me. Arrow taught me everything about being a Vampire, and he brought me to Vampire Mountian. I trained to be a General once I got my bearings on my thirst, and became one. Sixteen years past, and I became a Prince." 

" You know it's possible for a person to be in love with multiple people, right?" She asked me. 

" Is it?" 

" Yeah, it's called Polyamory." 

Silence filled the air. 

" I'm asking you to be my other Partner, Mika. If you want to. I understand you might not exactly understand, and you might not be over Arra just yet. If you're not ready, I understand. And you can think about it as much as you need to." 

" What are you waiting for? Say yes." Lithi chirped. 

Emma looked at her. " Don't pressure him." 

" I would love to be a part of your life." I finally said. 

" And don't worry, Yuna doesn't mind." 

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