Ashley the Antagonized

Start from the beginning

"Fia?" A very familiar voice asked.

I recognized the voice all too well, "Preston?" The shape of the figure finally reached my sight, exposing the body of Preston, "Why him?!"

Ashley replied in an annoyed tone, "It's Mat's orders, not mine."

"Well… can't you go against Mat?"

"No, I can't. I wouldn't want to anyways. I like having boys to give me everything I want, and Mat is perfect for that."

"First Mitch, then Seto, and now Mat? How many guys are you gonna go through?" Adam remarked, attempting to anger Ashley.

All she did was shoo him away, "Shut up, Sky."

At that demand, I burst. No one… I mean no one disrespects Adam. And when they do, I get angry. Not angry. Furious. I clenched my hands into fists and intensely watched Ashley's shadow wrap a bandana around Preston's mouth. He nervously glanced up at her, struggling to get out of the ropes. It built my fury towards the girl. Preston was Ray's brother, and Ray was my best friend. Similar to Adam, I would let no one get in the way of my friends' happiness.

I felt my wrists burn up like torches, mysteriously cutting through the ropes. Standing up, I screamed in an act of war and I raced over to Ashley, pushing her down onto the floor. Preston, in full light, anxiously took in the incident from two feet away.


Mat's car rolled up to the exterior of his secret hideout. I nonchalantly jumped out and followed my friend inside the building.

"Not so secret anymore, huh?" I thought to myself. I chuckled, attracting attention from Mat.

Mat glanced back at me with a smile, "What's going on?"

"Nothing. Just remembering something," I replied aloud.

"Okay. Whatever." Mat rolled his eyes and returned to look at the walls of the halls. We walked until Mat stopped at a single wooden door.

"This is it," he told me. I moved to his right side as Mat opened the door slowly. Adam sat against a pole, his wrists tied behind him. His wide eyes were stuck to something at the other end of the room, the side not visible from the doorway. I took the lead, stepping inside. The first thing that caught my eye when I searched was Fia and Ashley, pulling at each other's hair on the cold concrete floor.

"What the chainsaw!" I cried. Running over to the girls, I forced Fia off of Ashley, who now had a deep black left eye and a few scratches on her arms. Fia growled, trying to pull herself back onto Ashley. Within a couple seconds, my friend calmed herself down and shyly looked at me.

"Sorry. I didn't know you…" Fia caught her eye on Mat and gasped, "Did you come with him?!"

I nodded. Fia became dead silent, staring him down with her dark sunglasses.

My eyes swerved a bit to the left and spotted Preston, his mouth bounded and tied to another pole. I let go of Fia and ran over to help my brother. I took off the bandana around his mouth.

"Ray," he whispered, relieved, "You found me."

"Actually," I told him, glancing over to Mat, who smiled when he recognized my friendly smirk, "He found me."

"What do you mean?"

I begun to untie Preston's wrists. "Mat isn't all that bad. At least not anymore. We all lived in Phoenix together. Remember Matthew?"

"Oh… that's Matthew?!" Preston immediately shot his sight towards Mat, who nervously turned away.

"Yep. You and him used to play games together. I used to think he had more in common with you than me."

"Heh. Yeah," Preston chuckled. I helped him up and took his hand. We stepped around Ashley, who glared at us with antagonism from her position on the ground. Walking back over to Fia, I noticed she had untied Adam. Mat and him were now talking, to Fia's disapproval. She stood nearby, her arms crossed, annoyed.

"Are we gonna get back to your wedding party or not?!" Fia questioned, bothered.

"Of course." Still holding Preston's hand, Mat and I led the others to the door. Something pulled me back, forcing me to let go of my brother. Shocked, he spun to find me in the grasp of Ashley, my hands behind my back, a gun to my neck.

"How did you get that in the first place?" I interrogated.

"None of your business," Ashley moaned, intent of shooting me on the spot.

Fia, Adam, and Mat realized Preston and I hadn't followed them and raced back to the room. I could see Fia's face blaze with resentment. Shaking my head, she hesitantly backed off. Instead, Adam intitiated my rescue plan.

"Ashley," Adam asserted, putting out his right hand, "You don't know what will happen if you make the wrong choice here. You'll ruin the lives of not only Ray, us, but also the people that care about you. What about Kae? What will your sister think when she finds out that you're a murderer? Just… give me the gun… and we'll forgive you for everything."

Ashley blurted out in a rage, "It's not gonna be so easy with me. Mat was easy! I'll find someone who can help me take all of you down." She pushed me onto the ground, horribly scraping both palms of my hands. They ignited sparks of intense pain. I gritted my teeth to get through my wound. Of course this pain was not like my high school troubles, but it was enough. From the corner of my eye, I witnessed Ashley jumping out of an open window. The others gasped at her undertaking, not daring to follow her. Preston ran to my side and supported me while I stood up.

"When we get back to the party, I take care of these and then you can do whatever you want…" Preston hastily mentioned, glimpsing at my damaged hands.

"Thank you," I interrupted. He peeked straight into my eyes and smiled.

"Now that that's over…" Mat construed, a shocked expression on his face, "I'll drive." He nodded and shuffled outside the door. 

Fia caught my eye, who was giving Adam romantic glances. I felt like he could tell, but wasn't accepting the simple fact that I was just a friend. Adam and Fia both left the room. Fia reached for Adam's hand, however, he didn't notice.

I took one last look at Preston and we both smiled before hurrying to meet up with our friends.

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