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Alfred, Bruce, and Kendall ride in the car searching for Lyla.

"This is pointless, it's too dark."

Alfred gives her a glance and looks at Bruce.

I mean, we'll find her.


Lyla wakes up and notices she's tied to a pole.

She looks around and noticed she's in a bright garage/ warehouse filled with tires and broken cars.

"Looks who's awake."

A familiar voice says stepping, out from the darkness and approaching Lyla.

"Why am I here?"

"Didn't I make it clear?" You're mine.

"I ain't yours."

He walks closer to her and bends down.

"Oh you will be, no one is looking for you."

"Yes, they are my friends are looking for me."

"Give me a kiss, sweetheart."

Kyle tries to kiss her, but she spits in his face.

He smacks her.

That's not a kiss.

"Go to hell."

He gets up and begins to walk away.

"Let me go!"

She yells.

"No one can hear you."

He says grinning and walking away back into the darkness.


"Where are we going to find her at?"

Kendall says hopelessly.

"I don't know."

Bruce says sadly.

Alfred gets a mysterious call on his phone.


"Meet me at the garage on 41st street."

The phone hangs up.

"Who was that?"

Bruce asks anxiously.

"Lyla has been kidnapped."


"Your friends are on there way."

He says walking to Lyla.

"What are you going to do to me?"

"There's a slight change of plans."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you see darling I'm not going to hurt you, I'm going to hurt your friends." Maybe even kill them.


"Oh, you can't stop me."

"Please, Kyle I'm sorry don't do this." This isn't going to solve anything.

"There isn't anything to be resolved."

"Please don't hurt them."

Kyle grins.

Bruce Wayne Gotham FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant