Chapter 22

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The car was quiet, only her wimpering existed. I tried to ignore the pain I felt in my back, pushing against my seat to try and get pressure on it.

"Stop the car!" She screamed. It startled me, breaking the silence that had drifted into the car.

I slammed on the breaks, moving the car onto the side of the road.

"I can't! I just killed him!" She shouted breaking down.

"You didn't kill him Monica! The ambulance will get to him! You got shot him in the knee." I said trying my best to calm her down.

He breathing was uneven and filled with panic, her hands shaking.

"I just hurt the person I LOVE!!" She screamed swinging open the car door and getting out. I followed after her, knowing she wasn't in her right mind.

She ignored me calling her name, running after her.


I ran, as fast as I could. I didn't know where I was or where I was going but I didn't stop running.

I needed TJ, I needed his touch and love. How could I want someone who pointed a gun at me?

I turned around to see Jay running after me. I could see he was in pain.

At that moment I lost my stength.

Where was TJ? where was the respectful loving boy I had been with for months?

Where was I? Where was the girl who would never hurt anyone or do anything so grim?

I dropped to my knees looking up...

Where was Andre? Where was my loving brother?

Where was my father? My father who only wanted me to strive to be better?

Looking up at the dark sky I couldn't help but feel so much longing.

Right as I heard Jay's footsteps come closer I dropped completely.

"Monica... Monica"

I could hear a voice softly come into my mind.

I opened my eyes, everything was blurry. Seeing a kind face I thought it was TJ, maybe this truly was all a nightmare but as my eyes focused I could see that it wasn't. There was Jay, looking back at me.

I looked around to find I was somewhere unfamiliar. I was in a house, an apartment on a couch.

I could smell something good, reminding me I hadn't ate in awhile.

"Where am I? What time is it?" I questioned, pulling away from him.

"Where is TJ?!?" I said, my eyes beginning to water.

He took a breath. "You're at my mama's house, it's 10am and the hospital."

My eyes watered, the pain came back. I hurt the one I love.


After zoning off for a little she jumped up, not even noticing mama standing in the door way. She grabbed her phone she found on the floor and left the house.


"Terrance?" A little voice came from the doorway. I looked that way to see a petite nurse looking back at me.

"I told her you were still resting but she insisting on seeing you" she said and just then I saw Monica walk through the doorway.

She looked down at the ground showing submission and walked in then closed the door.

"Look at me Monica." I said.

She looked up at me. She looked confused, in pain, scared. her eyes locked on mine.

"Tell me why the fuck you protected him like that." I said trying to keep my voice low and not yell.

"I don't know TJ."

"Monica, do you love him?" I asked.

"No! I've never even spoken to him besides that time!!" She said between painful tears.

I shook my head.

"Are you going to be okay?" She wimpered.

I tried to keep my composure but couldn't. I could feel my anger come back, the anger I couldn't control.

"You shot my fucking knee you stupid bitch!!!! I'll never walk again!!" I spat viciously.

She broke down and buried her face in her hands.

"I didn't mean too." She wimpered

I balled my fist. How the fuck could she not mean to shoot me??

"Just go! Get the fuck out of here!" I growled.

She looked up at me one more time, her eyes filled with tears, grabbed her jacket and left.

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