Chapter Nineteen

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AUTHORS NOTE: This chapter should give you a little more info on the new character I introduced, Jay. Enjoy.

-Two Days Later-


I opened my eyes to the sound of my phone buzzing on my end table. It was dark in my room with the curtains drawn. I glanced at the clock, I had only been asleep for one hour and it was now 8am.

Fucking working all damn night, TJ has me watching on this guy who wronged him somehow. It would be nice if the motherfucker slept but na, he was out and about all night. Just like the night before. Nigga gets back to his house at about 5 in the morning and goes to sleep.

TJ wanted me to watch em a few more nights so we couldn't make any mistakes, he couldn't risk loosing another one of us to the penitentiary.

After thinking for a few I picked up my phone to see a text from my mother.

(Text) mama: A few come lookin fr u las nite i say I don no u

She had never really mastered English, coming from Mexico she didn't know a lick of It. Then again she wasn't my biological mother either. My true mother was nothing but a hoe and left me with my father.

He didn't want none to do with me either, barley kept me till the age of three and gave me to an illegal immigrant to "watch me", it was supposed to be a week but he didn't come back.

I'm not mad though, Mama soon became just that.. My mother, and nobody could tell me otherwise. I'm glad my mother and father left, because with them I'd be doomed anyways.

I tapped on my pockets feeling for the money I got just an hour before; TJ maybe be a cruel bastard but he wasn't cheap. I was putting my ass on the line watching this nigga, he better pay me some.

Pulling out my money, I took a twenty out of what I assumed was two hundred with change and shoved it into my sock and slipped the rest in my jacket.

I got up quickly and headed out the door toward mama's. It was a short walk and only took about twenty minutes. When I got closer I hid myself and went in through the back door, I didn't need nobody to see me there right after she got done explaining to people I wasn't.

The smell of food immediately hit me, it smelled as good as ever and when I shut the screen door she turned to me and smiled.

I grabbed the large wad of cash I had just taken the twenty out of and handed it to her, she argued a bit but finally took it. If she didn't want to turn up without rent money she would take it.

"I'm scared for you my son." she said reaching up and touching my face. I gave her what I thought was a reassuring look but the worry in her eyes didn't go away.

"You're in a bad place." she said beginning to walk toward the stove. She glanced back at me then continued. "The Padre only blesses those that walk in the light."

She looked down at the food she was cooking, grabbed a spoon and gave it a stir.

She was worried, I knew that but she couldn't get a job and the hustle was all I knew. As much as I wanted out, the hustle was always there for me, but it always comes with more. It comes with hatred, bullets, and death, well at least it did for me.


I heard the sound of the door opening downstairs and could tell automatically by the footsteps it was TJ.

I sighed and closed my book as I heard him walk up the stairs in attempt to be stealthy. I knew he had shit to do but I didn't like him getting home when the sun was rising. He had been distant from me these past few days.

When I heard him nearly to the door I glanced down to see my phone and shuffled to get it under the bed and out of sight.

"TJ" I said in as normal as a tone as I could keep it. He walked in and looked at me, his eyes dreary and tired.

"Babe, is don't feel like talking right now I'm so tired." He said lazily, plopping down on the bed and within seconds he was dead asleep.

I sighed..

AUTHORS NOTE: I have big plans!!! I know I continue to say I'll update more often and I had a lot done but deleted it because it wasn't allowing me to go where I wanted with this story... If that makes sense. Anyways!! I also have a new cover for this book on the way!! Thank you for everyone's reads and votes! I would like some feedback so I think I'll leave you guys with some questions!^.^





Okay!! FEEDBACK!! I want to hear what you guys think and feel! And any suggestions! I'm open to anything!

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