Chapter Eleven

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>Three Weeks Later<


Fuck this, only two more days till I can get out and see Monica. I miss her, I hope everything I good with her, haven't heard from Tavion, dumb nigga probably stopped checking on her.


Once again I'm waking up scared and crying, nightmares again and again of the same thing. I wish this never happened, I've been feeling so alone without TJ and on top of that I was raped.

No, I didn't tell TJ. If I would have told him over the phone while he was still locked up there is no way I could predict how he would react and I don't need him stressing any more than he already is.

I sighed and rolled over in the large empty bed, this house is so empty and creepy sometimes. The echos can be eerie at times. I used to see it as such a happy place now I can't even pass by the couch without seeing it all happen again in my mind.

I kept the door locked, at all times and haven't left the house much at all but today I really wanted some fresh air.

I went out the back door to the dock and laid on the very end of it, letting my feet dangle in the water.

As much as I tried to push away the thought, I couldn't help but think that maybe this life, the people TJ is around, everything... Maybe I shouldn't be here.

But TJ, I can't leave him. In only a short time he began to mean the world to me, I can't stand the thought of being without him but maybe that's the safest thing for me to do.

Soon I heard a noise that wasn't the birds or breeze and ran inside to answer the phone.

"Yes I accept the charges!" I immediately said.

"Bae I miss you!" I could hear TJ's voice saying. As terrible as I felt he always made me feel safe. "I miss you too, I need you here baby." I replied. He paused for a moment and finally he revealed he would be home in two days.

Thank God.

I needed him, I need his warm embrace and the safe feeling he gave me.

In only a few moments we had ran out of time on the phone call and I found myself in bed watching Netflix. I just want him to come home.


For the life of me I can't remember what the fuck I did that night I went to TJs place to check on Monica but it gave me a bad ass vibe so I didn't go back.

I know something happened, because I felt guilty I just didn't know why.

>Two Days Later<


I smiled for the first time in a while when I saw him walking towards me but I could tell he could see something was wrong.

He said nothing, just pulled me into his arms and holding me tight as ever, I loved the safe feeling I would get.

The car ride home was surprisingly quiet until finally he broke the silence "I know something is wrong, tell me Monica." He said tenderly.

I shivered when the fresh memories struck through my mind, I felt the scared feeling again.

"Can we talk later?" I asked and he nodded understandingly.

When we got home he gave me a long passionate kiss then went into the shower. It was like he knew I needed it.

There was nothing I wanted more then to be enthusiastic and happy for him coming home but I felt so broken. As he took his shower I sat on the bed thinking, wishing it would leave my mind, I kept getting constant flashbacks of it, the terror.

Before I knew it I was asleep, and the last thing I remember was TJ's arms wrapping around me lovingly.


I could tell something is terribly wrong with her but I don't want to push her. When I got out the shower she was asleep already so I just laid down with her to do the same.

I was sound asleep when I felt her suddenly jolt up, gasping and crying. She was damp with sweat and her face drenched with tears, her body shaking. I pulled her in closer, "it's okay, I got you" I whispered in her ear.

"It's not okay, I need to talk to you TJ..."


As I told him, I told him everything, every detail, why I hadn't told him before I could see anger swell inside of him. He refrained from saying anything until he was sure I was done talking.

"This is all my fault, I shouldn't have often locked up, I shouldn't have trusted him. I'm so sorry." He repeated again and again while holding me close.

I put my hand on his chin and tilted his face up to look at me, I didn't know what to say so I just looked him in his eyes.

I saw his eyes start to get glassy, as if about to cry, "I'm going to fix this!" He said sternly now.

I frowned, "no" that's not what I wanted, I didn't really know what I wanted but I wouldn't wish death upon anyone, there is no coming back from that. The cops... That isn't an option, they wouldn't believe me, not after this amount of time and no evidence.

So what was left? I thought. I suppose I'll be keeping TJ from killing him, Hmmph imagine that, saving my rapists life.

And now? Now I'm not a virgin, he took something I was saving for the right person, I wanted it to be TJ. I wanted to be loved but instead I was brutalized and degraded.

What now?

TJ laid his head down but I could tell he wouldn't be sleeping, I moved in closer to his chest, where I was warm and safe.

And right then, that very moment was when I knew it, I knew it for a fact that I love him.

I looked up at him, "TJ" I said interrupting his thoughts his face softened as he looked at me with a hurt but soft expression on his face.

"I love you." He whispered right as I was opening my mouth to say the same three words.

I paused, I could feel a tear roll down my cheek but this tear was made from different feelings.

"I love you too" I said looking deep into his eyes, him wiping the tear from my face.


"I love you." I had never said that to any woman in my life besides my mom whom didn't even deserve that. But I know that I meant it.

I love Monica with all my heart. I can't let anything happen to her again.

My love.


I nestled back into his chest, letting his words repeat in my head over and over again.

I love you

I love you

I love you

I am in love with Terrance James Jr.

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