Chapter 21

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"What the fuck this nigga think he doing?!? Monica you cheating on me?"
He screamed with a mass amount of anger in his voice.

I trembled. "No! He's just doing what he's told to do!" I replied, still scared.

TJ continued to come closer to the car. I wasn't sure how he found me but I have never seen him this angry so I didn't say anything else.

I glanced up at Jay to see him stiffen up, he went from soft and calm to strong and angry. I looked back at TJ who was also looking at Jay who still wasn't facing him.

As TJ continued he kept his eye on Jay but then looked back at me. His eyes were dark and intimidating.

When he reached the car he pushed Jay to the side, jay stiffened trying not to do anything, knowing that if he did he would be killed.

TJ then opened the car door, eyes still angry and grabbed my arm.

"You don't do shit like this you stupid bitch!" He said aggressively. From my past with Dimir, I was almost expecting to feel a pain in my arm but I didn't and he let go without hurting me.

I could see Jay watching closely, making sure he didn't hurt me. Seeing me look at him, TJ switched his attention to Jay.

"The fuck you over here doing with my girl? Think I don't see you eyeing her down? Nigga just remember something... I have no problem killing you." He said coldly staring into jays eyes but Jay didn't back down nor submit, he stood his ground.

They stood there, like a stare down for a little, TJ waiting for Jay to submit to him but he refused. And in a split second TJ brought up his fist and slammed Jay right in the jaw.

I automatically jumped up and got in between them as Jay was about to throw a up punch back but seeing me coming he stopped.

I faced TJ, "the fuck you protecting him for Monica? Move bitch!" He spat.

and that was the moment I was done. He wouldn't call me that or talk to me like that.

I lifted my hand and smacked him in the face as hard as I could making him cover his face and back off.

He looked back up at me with even darker eyes then before with even more anger in them.

He approached me but I backed off grabbing Jay by the sleeve and pulling him away too.

TJ stopped walking then looked at me. Without a word he walked back to the car, got in and sped off, leaving me and Jay standing in the parking lot wondering what the fuck just happened.

After some amount I silence I turned around and looked at Jay.

"Is your face okay?" I asked in as calm of a voice I could come up with.

He nodded. "You didn't have to do that, I wish you hadn't" he said refusing to give me eye contact.

"It's one thing to fight but I saw his eyes, the second he had a chance he would have shot you." I closed my eyes trying to get the image and thought of Jay hurt out of my head.

I didn't want anyone to be hurt.

When things finally started to settle down I heard a screech of tires right near us.

All in a glance I saw the barrel of a gun pointing right at us and an familiar but unfamiliar face.

TJ had an angry and devious grin on his face looking right at me and Jay. In a split second I reached in my pants and griped the gun I had taken from TJ's closet that morning and pointed it back at him, changing the situation completely.

"You gunna kill me with my own gun now?" He spat mockingly.

"You know I'm not pointing this gun at you Monica so drop it and let me do what I gotta do. I know you was cheating!" His word pierced me with pain but I didn't budge.

I knew I wasn't cheating but nothing I say would be anything he would believe. He wasn't going to calm down.

"Drop the fucking gun!" He screamed but I refused.

To my horror he opened the car door and approached still holding the gun to me and Jay.

I took a step infront of Jay. I didnt know why I felt for him but I couldn't let him get hurt.

"How about you put down your fucking gun and settle this the real way instead of being a fucking coward." Jay shouted at TJ who had stopped walking and turned his attention to Jay now.

To my surprise TJ dropped his gun but still with a demonic grin planted on his face. I lowered my gun but kept my grip.

In a split second TJ lunged forward to Jay and began swinging, I was barley able to see what was happening it was moving so fast.

In one moment I could see Jay get on too pinning down TJ on the ground but TJ never lost his cruel grin, reaching down near his shoe and pulling out a blade he stabbed Jay in the back, Jay cringed with pain.

I don't remember thinking about it I just remember pulling the trigger and hearing his screams.

It brought pain to me, the screams of the man I love.

Screams of pain that I have caused.

I called 911 for an ambulance, helped Jay up and and ran.

I glanced back once, only to see him screaming and holding his knee as blood pooled around him.

We got into Jay's car and drove of. He said nothing, I said nothing. I closed my eyes still trying to figure out if it all just happened.

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