Chapter One

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~~Author's Note: OKAY! So this is the first chapter! Basically I'm going to be showing you everything that begins the story. I will be switching points of view often, that's just how I choose to write this. Well I hope you enjoy! Also I will try to update at least every other night if not every night!~~

~Third Person Point of View~

Monica was drop dead beautiful, she was mixed with black and Italian, with long curly hair, a yellowbone complexion and green eyes that seemed to swallow you into them. She was 5'4'' and thick in all the right places, it was no wonder why heads would turn as she walked into a room.

At the age of 3 her mother had walked out on her, leaving her with her dad and her older brother Andre. When the house was left with only her fathers income, the family was forced to live in an apartment in the middle of the ghetto. But things never seemed too bad because they had each other.

When Monica was 16, a junior in high school her brother began getting involved in exactly what she had worried about, but with the family struggling to make ends meet the extra money was always helpful. But her brother didn't stop at doing what he needed to do, he was soon found himself all caught up in gangs, violence, shootings and god only knows what else.

~Monica's Point Of View~

I love my brother, but sometimes I swear he's a dumbass! Once again he's sneaking in the house coming from god knows what.

As soon as I heard his room door creak I opened my door to see him looking back at me holding his arm. "What the hell are you doing?" I whispered. He didn't reply, just motioned for me to come into his room. He close the door behind me.

."Why are you holding your arm?" I questioned. He slowly took off his jacket revealing a large, deep cut down his arm. "Let me explain" he pleaded. Before he could say anything I began my rant "I told you something bad was going to happen!! Now we have to take your ass to the hospital to get some damn stitches! Dad is going to flip shit when he sees this! What were you thinking? You always put yourself in the wrong place!" He bowed his head, waiting on me to finish, when he was sure I was done he spoke "Monica, I know what you're thinking.. And it was just a mistake, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. One of my boys Quay has a few people after him and I was with him when a few guys walked up. He ran but they got me, they told me that what I got was a warning for him. It's all good though ma, they didn't kill me, I'm okay."

Although he was trying to make me calm down, what he said made it all worse "What the Fuck?! His coward ass ran while you got your arm nearly sliced off? And these are the people you choose to spend your time with??? We need to get you to the hospital!" I have to admit, I sounded like a mother but he needed someone to tell him how foolish this was.

"Hospital and telling dad is out of the question. I was hoping you could help me out a bit..." His eyes pleading into me as he said it. I always had a weakness for my brother, when he looked at you sometimes it felt like he was peering right into your thoughts.

"You have to promise you'll do what I need you to do." He said still staring intensely at me. "Yeah, I will." I finally agreed. I know my brother would never ask me to do anything to terrible or that would hurt me. He reached into his drawer with his uncut arm and pulled out a small box. "Are you serious?!?! Do you really expect me to do that?" I couldn't believe is stupid ass! "Just sterilize the needle with a lighter, trust me I've done this before!" He said passing the sewing kit to me. I know my dad used to do it all the time when he would get in bar fights, for a busted lip or eyebrow but this was crazy!

"You promised" he said looking at me again. Knowing I wouldn't win the argument I grabbed the lighter off his end table and hovered the needle over it, this is so ghetto.

I spent the rest of the night sewing my brothers arm up, and scolding him. This had to be the craziest thing I've done, it didn't really gross me out but it's just weird. When I finally finished we both went to bed, even though I was still pissed at him, I couldn't be more thankful that my brother was alive.

~Andre (Monica's brothers)~

I knew what to expect when I told Monica about what happened and showed her my arm, but I know it's because she cares. I also know she doesn't understand, sometimes I think that girl is in her own happy little world, but I would love for her to be able to keep it that way. She has a lot going for her, she's still in high school, lots of friends and captain of the cheerleaders, my sister has so much to be proud of.

>The Next Day<


Here I am sitting in my history class pretending like nothing is wrong, and I have to admit, I'm damn good at it. I keep worrying about Andre, he's my big brother but sometimes I feel like I'm the one taking care of him.

After thinking about everything but history in history class it was time for team sports. This class was so easy, we just had to run once a week then do whatever else the rest of the time. I only really took it because my boyfriend has the same class and told me too. Dimir, ahh every girl wants him and I'm the one who has him, that's a great feeling. He's captain of the football team and the class president, a senior of course. We have been together for almost a year now and I love seeing the faces of those jealous girls when he walks me down the halls.

"Hey ma!" I heard as a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist. "Hey baby." I replied, standing on my tippy toes to give him a kiss on the cheek. It was nice having this kid around, I don't have a thirsty nigga call my name in every hallway anymore. Andre however isn't fond of him, but that's irrelevant.

"BUZZ BUZZZ BUZZ" my phone vibrated in my pocket. I took it out , it was a text from Andre.

Andre: "Thanks for the stitch up sis, feeling good as new! I'll be home late again tonight, a lot of business to take care of. Stay safe. 😘"

Just as I was about to reply I felt a tight squeeze around my arm, "Who the fuck you texting?!" Dimir growled aggressively, his grip shooting pain up my arm. "N-nobody! It's my brother! I swear!" I said looking at him, searching for mercy in his eyes. "Better be!" He said finally letting go. I sighed, my arms was really hurting, he really squeezed it but it wasn't as bad as last time so I didn't complain.

'He only gets that angry because he loves me.' I kept repeating in my mind.

***That's the end of this chapter!

AUTHORS NOTE: Thank You for reading my first chapter! I have big plans for this story! I hope you continue to read!! Oh and I know this chapter was short but I want to make sure a lot happens in the next one! I promise not to take forever to update!

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