Chapter Five

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AUTHORS NOTE: I hope everyone is enjoying my story. Sorry it took a little for me to update. Hope you enjoy.


"And here is your room." TJ said opening the door to a room across from his own. The room itself was beautiful and way bigger then I was used too. I nodded, I didn't mean to seem unthankful but I really just wasn't in the talking mood.

As I went in, I got a few things to prepare for a shower.


Monica doesn't seem talkative but I don't blame her honestly. As she went in her room and went to go take a shower, I went into my room and lit a blunt, looking down at my beat up knuckles. I still had no idea how I held back killing that nigga but somehow I did, I couldn't protect Monica from a jail cell.

I guess I must have drifted off to sleep because I woke up to a few gentle taps on my shoulder. I looked up to see her, damn she looked better then ever. I couldn't helped but lick my lips. As I looked closer I noticed she had on one of my shirts.. I didn't argue because she looked sexy as fuck in it.

"What's up ma?" I finally spit out.
She looked back at me, I thought I saw a tiny smile peeking out but it soon disappeared.

"I can't go to sleep, I was wondering if you can watch a movie of something with me for a little." She said timidly.

She didn't seem like a timid person at all but I suppose under the circumstances I would be too. I smiled a sweet smile to her and slowly stood up nodding.


As the movie started TJ got up and grabbed a blanket and covering me with it then sitting back down.

I can't deny the fact that I want him more then I've ever wanted someone but I need to chill, I've known him for one day.

As the movie went on he slowly edged closer and closer to me until he was up against me. Just as I was getting comfortable with him that close he stood up and began to walk away, I looked up.. I won't lie.. I didn't want him to go, I liked him close to me. He looked back down at me still standing and grinned.

"I told you you didn't want me to go nowhere." He said with a wink. I couldn't help but smile an laugh a little, "I only want you here because you're warm!" I said pulling him back down. Then we continued to watch the movie.

"Thank you." I finally said, breaking the silence. I wasn't even really watching the movie, I was so deep in my thoughts. "For?" He questioned. I took a deep breath, "for saving me, for protecting me, for telling me, for letting me stay with you... But most of all for holding me." I couldn't believe I said all that, especially the last part, I didn't want to even hint that I wanted him.

When I was expecting a 'you're welcome' I received the gentlest kisses on my forehead. It sent chills down my spine. I'd never felt this way before but I don't know if I like it or not.

"Do you know what tomorrow is?" He asked. I looked at him puzzled. "My birthday." He finally informed me. I smiled, "happy early birthday then." He smiled back.

>The Next Day<

~still Monica~

I don't remember falling asleep and I definitely don't remember going to bed but I woke up warm and comfortable in a plush queen sized bed. I remember this feeling from when I was a child.

As I was still trying to figure things out about how I got in the bed.. The bad things hit me.. Everything that happened last night, everything.

Finally I stood up and decided to see if TJ was up yet. As I explored his house and his room I found he wasn't there and neither was his car, he was probably out handling his business.

It upset me that even after seeing my brother he still does the same thing that killed my brother. I figured I might as well go sit on the roof porch thing, I need a clear mind.

Maybe I'll do a little something for his birthday, I thought.


As I drove towards home after taking care of a little business I couldn't get her off my mind.

Monica was different, she wasn't one of these hoes that run around her fucking everything in sight. But then again, her brother told me to protect her, not be with her.

I almost forgot today was my birthday, I guess that hasn't been a big deal for me for years.


I pulled the cake out of the oven, who knew TJ would have that in his cabinets. His whole house is stocked up with plenty of food but it seems like he never eats anything.

I set the table nicely then went into my room to throw something nice to wear on.

Just when I heard the beeping of the security system I ran downstairs to greet him.


I walked into the house, I figured Monica would still be asleep but to my surprise she was standing at the door with a wide smile planted on her face.

"Someone's feeling better I see." I said smiling back. Without a word she grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the dining room. I smiled when I saw the cake sitting on the table. "What's all this?" I said still grinning.

"Happy birthday!" She said turning around to look me right in my eyes. Damn those green eyes got me every time! I reached down and wrapped my arms around her. "Nobody has ever baked me a cake or anything for my birthday! Thank you Monica!" I finally blurted out.

At first stiff in my arms, she soon laid her head on my chest affectionately. Damn this girl has me about to go crazy.

The rest of the morning we ate and talked, then we went into the kitchen to clean up when she sprayed me with water from the faucet. I laughed not knowing how else to react and threw some water from a cup back. She giggled, I was glad she was smiling.

Later on that day I took her to a new restaurant on the water I thought she would like.


As I sat across from TJ in this restaurant I couldn't help but smile the whole time. I was never taken out anywhere really and definitely not a fancy restaurant on the water.

It was a beautiful Saturday night and right now I couldn't think of anywhere else I would want to be.

>1 week later<

Almost every night TJ takes me out for dinner. But last night I cooked something up in the kitchen which I could tell he enjoyed. I love every minute I'm around him, every bit of time I spend close to him I treasure.

I haven't heard from Dimir, which is a great thing. I haven't been paying much attention to my phone anyways however, I've been having a lot of fun with TJ. I sleep in late so by the time I wake up he's getting home, he's been opting out of taking care of anything at night and we have been watching movie after movie.

Next week I'm allowed back to school, but I'm not sure I even want to.. There is only one more week left of school then it's summer, why would I go back for the last week? It would be just stupid.

My dad hasn't talked to me at all, I tried to call and text him and he never answers. I suppose he is extremely mad but I do sort of understand where he is coming from.

TJ says we are going somewhere extra special tonight and I can only imagine. So I asked TJ to take me out to get a dress. Of course I wasn't going to ask him to pay though, I still had some money on my debt card.


I've never done this shit, take a girl out more then once and not fucking her. But I have to admit, because it's Monica I am more then happy to do it. Shes wifey material for sure too!

I hadn't been dealing or doing too much of anything lately besides a little in the morning, I'm thinking of backing out of that too though. I know Monica worries, I don't want her to worry about me like she did for her brother.

But tonight I'm taking her out again, I have something special planned. I can't wait either. She wants to go out and get a dress, I offered to pay but she quickly denied my offer.. I'll find a way to pay anyways.

Damn that girl is going to be the death of me.

Hey guys! Whatcha think? I feel like there isn't a ton of excitement in this chapter but I needed this to be in there. Sorry it took me so long to update won't happen again I hope. Also sorry but I'm about to have to stir up trouble in paradise!!! Keep reading everyone!

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