Chapter Forty Seven: Explanations

Start from the beginning

I bit my lip. He must have talked to Louis. I laughed a little at his mistaking me for my sister, but I decided to play along. I might have some fun with it.

"I know I shouldn't have taken a lift from Dylan, but it's not that bad, Harry, really," I said reasonably.

Harry scoffed drunkenly. "Not that bad? On a date with another guy at your boyfriend's party?" he pretended to think for a moment. "Um.. no, no I think that's pretty damn bad, Lara,"

My jaw dropped. "I... On a date?"

"Don't play dumb with me, okay? Dylan told Louis everything,"

I scrunched my hands in to fists at my sides. What a little...

"If you don't mind telling me, Harry, where did Louis go?"

He eyed me suspiciously before shrugging. "He said he was going to walk down the road and stay the night in the hotel down the road," he paused, raising an eyebrow. "Promise you won't go after him?"

I grinned, and nodded firmly. "Oh, I promise I won't go after him,"

I pushed past him towards where I spotted Lara and Dylan, where he seemed to be comforting her over something. I suppressed my rage and took a breath in. I approached them, and Dylan paused as I interrupted their conversation.

"Lara, what's the matter?" I asked, concerned for my sister. Lara must have noticed the falseness to it, but said nothing about it.

Lara cleared her throat. "Apparently Louis told Dylan that... that he's furious at me for letting Dylan bring me here," Lara sniffed, quite obviously in disbelief. "And that he'll probably never talk to me again,"

I raised an eyebrow. "Hm, that's odd, considering he's your boyfriend and all," I said deliberately, studying Dylan's expression carefully. He stiffened, his eyes widening and his lips parted. He turned to look at me, pure shock written across his face.

"B-boyfriend, huh?" he muttered, a brief flash of victory passing across his face.

I ignored him completely. "Come on, Lara, let's get you cleaned up," I offered, taking her hand and leading her away from a rather smug Dylan, who took a calm sip from his cup.

"Lara, stop crying right now. Dylan is lying, okay?" I told her, stopping her and gripping her by the shoulders, staring in to her bleary eyes. "He's always been lying. He told Louis that you asked him here on a date. Lou thinks you're cheating on him," I told her regretfully.

She looked down, her lip trembling. "A-are you sure?" she asked, tucked her hair behind her ear.

I scoffed. "Why else would Louis be leaving right now to stay the night in the hotel down the road?"

Her innocent and upset look vanished, and she clenched her fists in to tight balls of anger. She scowled across the room at Dylan and her breathing became heavy with fury. Her eyes went dark. I took a small step back. Lara was very polite and nice and never mean usually, but when someone made her angry, she got real angry.

Kind of like me, I guess.

"Liv," she said sharply, like saying it was slowing her down. "Go and stop Louis' arse from going down the road, or at least try your hardest. I have to... do something," she spoke darkly, her eyes glued to something somewhere behind me.

I nodded in understanding, and turned. I rushed to the door of the hall, pushing past drunken dancers until I was standing in the door, before pausing. I turned back to watch the events unfold.

I couldn't hear what Lara was saying, but she stormed over to where Dylan was standing. Dylan turned and tried to greet her with a hug, but her arms stayed stubbornly glued to her sides as she stared at him coldly. He stepped back, a slight frown on his face. He said something to her, and she scoffed. She said something back, firing the words at him furiously and giving him no space to reply. Then she turned away, but Dylan grabbed her arm. In that second she whizzed around and slapped him across the face before standing still as he stared back at her, completely gobsmacked.

I nodded in approval. I taught her well.

~~ Louis' P.O.V ~~

I ran a hand through my gelled hair and rolled my shoulders back. I had to get over this. I had been standing still, staring down the road for around 10 minutes now, toying with the idea of confronting Lara before scaring myself and bringing myself to the brink of tears, and the circle would start over.


I didn't turn to see who was calling me, but my heart leapt in to my throat at the possibility of it being Lara. I felt a hand tug on my arm, and I sighed. It wasn't Lara.

"What do you want, Liv?" I asked her, my voice monotone.

She sighed behind me. "Louis, Dylan was lying, they aren't on a date, they ju-"

"I know, they just walked through the door arm in arm laughing uncontrollably after Dylan picked Lara up," I finished for her, turning to face her and flinching at the resemblance to the girl inside the hall with my heart in her closed fist. "No, that doesn't sound like a date at all,"

Liv winced. "Yeah, okay, it looks bad," she admitted, shrugging. "But Dylan's an idiot, Louis, you know that, so just come back in and we'll talk about this,"

I raised an eyebrow at her, and I think even she knew that she wouldn't be successful in her request. "Are you serious?" I asked her softly. I didn't get angry at her. She had done nothing wrong. "Liv, thankyou for trying to be helpful in this, but no thankyou," I looked down the road and back to her again. I sighed.

"Okay. Let's say that Dylan was lying," I said, trying to paint her a picture of why I had to leave. "They aren't on a date. That's great," I smiled unconvincingly before dropping it. "Dylan offered Lara a lift to my party. Lara accepted his offer, suggesting she still wants to remain close with him even after all he has done to her, yes?"

"Well, Louis tha-"

"She accepts his offer," I continued, not wanting to be interrupted. "And decides that she won't tell me. That shows secrecy, so she must be hiding something. It also suggests that she doesn't trust me," I explained, my voice cracking as I tried to withhold the tsunami of emotion threatening to burst out. "She trusts Dylan to take her to a party, but doesn't trust me enough to tell me," I finished quietly, looking away and bearing the tight feeling in my chest.

After a moment of silence as Liv thought about my words, I looked back up at her. She was staring in to space, and I asked a question that had been on my mind for a while now.

"She doesn't let anyone in, does she?"

Liv glanced up, and looked down at her feet. She shook her head slowly, not looking up at all.

I nodded. "I didn't think so. See you," As I stepped down the stairs she jumped forward, putting a hand on my side.

"Please don't, Louis,"

I stopped and sighed. "Sorry, Liv," I smiled sadly and continued down the steps. "Have fun,"

As I made my way down to my car, she muttered "You too," and as I looked back, she was gone.

'What's that supposed to mean?' I thought as I paused at my car door. I shrugged, and reached for my car key in my side pocket.


Author's Note: Hi guys! Hope you like the chapter! I'm sorry for the delays guys, I've been really ill lately and it's getting annoying now. But I have asked for a better immune system for Christmas, so I should be okay from now.

Now. I have some bad news... This story is almost finished. I'm going to miss it so much, but there's only going to be a few more chapters after this. Thankyou so so so so much for all the support I've had and I really hope that you guys won't be disappointed with the ending!

Anyways. IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS! 12 DAYS OMG OMG OMG OMG! Next chapter up soon!

Promise! xx

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