Twenty four

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7 months later

Emily sets down her suitcase on the hardwood floor in the hallway, she was all packed and ready to head out to college.

"I don't want you to leave." I whisper as I look down at the floor. "Luke, please just hug me so I don't miss my plane." I didn't know how she could do this without breaking down, all I wanted to do was cry, drop to my knees and beg her to stay, or at least beg her to still be my girlfriend. I know she'll be 8 hours away from me but I still wanted this relationship no matter what.

"Just explain to me why we have to break up while you're in college, I thought I was your home Em." She shuts her eyes for a few seconds and swallows "I can't be away for four years not knowing if you're being faithful, or if you'll still love me when I get back. I know this doesn't make sense to you right now Luke but this is for the best. I have to leave, I'm sorry."

I wrap my arms around her and close my eyes, trying to burn her image into my brain as I didn't know when the hell I would get to see her again.

"I love you, Emily. I'll still love you when you get back."

I let go of her, she bites her lip. "Just promise me that you won't wait for me, if you find someone else Luke please just be with that person, I don't want you to miss out on life." I shake my head at her, rolling my eyes I cross my arms over my chest. "This isn't fair, I only want you." My voice cracks a little, I wish it hadn't though, I didn't want to show her how weak I really was about all of this.

Inside I was crying like a fucking child.

"Promise me you won't fall in love with anyone else, Emily." I hear her sigh as she pushes her bangs out of her face.
"Luke, plea-"

"Promise me." I say, interrupting her.

"I promise." She speaks softly, I was glad she promised me but I knew she wouldn't keep her promise, I knew she would fall in love with someone else and forget about me but I didn't want to believe it, I wanted to think that she would fly home the second she gets there and realizes the mistake she was making.

But she wouldn't, because we weren't supposed to be together.

I was just the high school fling, the puppy love that comes before the true love.
I was surprised that she stayed with me this long honestly, I mean I'm a fucking wreck. She'll be better off once I'm not in her life.

"Goodbye, Luke." I wince at the word 'goodbye."

"I'll see you when I see you." I speak quietly, she gives me one last smile before picking up her things and taking a step away, I watch as Bryan catches up with her, the talk and laugh while waiting for the elevator.

"Goodbye." I whisper before shutting my door, I pick up my crying son and sit on the couch, turning off the TV I hug him and try to calm him but somehow I just end up crying along with him.

This is so rushed and bad omg.

The epilogue will be posted tomorrow xx

Professor Hemmings •l.h•Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ