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The elevator was taking its sweet time today and I was already running late for work, just the cherry on top of my morning.
I didn't want to bother with asshole teenagers today I was too fucking hung over from my night with some red head that Calum fixed me up with, I couldn't be bothered to remember her name, plus she was a lousy lay it was like fucking a fish, not that I had actually known what that was like.

"Hi Mr. H." Bryan says as he stands next to me and leans on the wall, I assumed he was also waiting for the elevator. "Shouldn't you be on the subway to school?" I say trying to hide my annoyance "Missed it." He mutters and takes out his phone, I take it that the conversation was over and I was thankful that I didn't have to be bothered by him, he lived a few apartments down from me with his mum who was a fucking junkie, very noisy people.

As the elevator opens I notice a short blonde shuffling her feet over to Bryan, she was dressed in a uniform, which suited her very well I have to say. She plants a kiss on his cheek and rushes into the elevator, him trailing behind her. The entire way down to the lobby I witnessed them getting a bit too comfortable with each other from behind me so once we were finally out of the elevator and I was outside in the crisp new york weather I was thankful.

The girl jogs passed Bryan and I, slowly disappearing in the crowd of people hurrying to get to work on time. "Who's the girl?" I didn't mean to ask but the words just slipped out of my mouth before I could bite my tongue "Emily, she just moved in across from you."
I give him a nod while I shove my hands in the pockets of my leather jacket "She's cute huh?" He asks but I don't say anything until he walks away from me.


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