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I wake covered in sweat, my arms search for Emily but she's no where to be found, I sit up in bed and look around the room but it was empty, she wasn't here.

"Baby?!" I call out but I got nothing.

The all toi familiar lonely feeling took over me, I wasn't ready to be alone. I needed her here with me, I hadn't been away from her in months.

The door to my bedroom slowly creaks open, Emily walks in wearing my t- shirt and boxers. She quietly shuts the door and turns around, noticing that I'm awake. "Did I wake you?" She says when she slips into the bed.

I instantly wrap my arms around her waist and bring her as close as I possibly could. "I thought you left me."

"I was getting some water, I wouldn't leave you in the middle of the night Luke."

"I'm sorry, I just get so worried sometimes that you'll leave."

She furrows her eyebrows and looks down at me "Why would I leave?"

I swallow the lump in my throat "I- I just have bad experiences with relationships and I always end up getting left hurt in the end. I love you Em, I just want to know you'll stay." She smiles down at me and places her hand on my cheek "I couldn't ever leave you babe, I'm always going to be here."




I wake once again but this time from the phone ringing from my nightstand.

"Hello?" I sleepily say into the phone.

"Luke? This is Mrs. Cartwright, Carly's mother."

Um why the hell is Carly's mom calling me? I haven't even seen Mrs Cartwright in three years.

"Oh? May I ask why the hell you're calling me?" She sighs deeply into the phone "Well Luke, Carly has gotten herself into some trouble.. Look I know I don't like you very much but you're my grandsons father and you're the only person who I trust to take him."

My eyes widen as I sit up in my bed. "Wait, what happened?"

"Can we meet up for lunch today? It would be much easier to speak about in person."

I agree to meet up with her on one condition, if she brought Jackson with her, I hadn't been allowed to see him for so long and I missed him. I just hoped Emily didn't have a problem being with me once I brought Jackson home.

I suck at fillers.

I might update again

I actually probably won't end up updating for another month but maybe a miracle will happen and I'll update earlier. Lol


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