"Both of you quit it." A female voice said sharply.

The two of us kept quiet, as a thin, boney woman crept into the room.

"You two better stop it before I stab you both and leave you to die." She spit, leaning against the door way. You tried your best to examine her.

She was also wearing a mask, and long, flowy, black hair was tied into a pony tail. She was wearing a black dress that came to almost her feat, and was holding a small wand. The wand seriously looked like it could belong to Harry Potter, and your eyes glistened at the thought.

"R, baby, leave me and the girl alone for a bit." She hummed, drawing a hand up his back.

Adriano eyed her, then you, before smirking and adding a quick Anything for you, Darling, shutting the door on both of you.

You shifted as far from her as you could, but she just chuckled.

"Oh, I hear you're (Y/n)." She grinned, the mask she was wearing only showing her mouth.

"No...I'm um-(Random/Name)." You faked a puzzled look and she chuckled.

"I know your (Y/n)." She hissed, moving her hand upwards, a horrible pain starting at your neck.

"We need her." A voice called, and you turned to see Adriano.

The lady stopped, lowering her hands, but you still clutched your neck.

"So, why not have a little fun first." She laughed, but he scowled.

"You could accidentally kill her...and we can't have that."

The lady still starred at him as she rose her hand, and you were filled with pricking needles.

"Ah-ah-" Your voice was cut as you started chocking. The lady continued to rise her hand. Soon, you were coughing out black blood.

"Enough, Magarta." Adriano barked, holding the woman and pushing her back.

"R. You shouldn't have don't that." Lillian growled, "I have more power than you. You are weak without me. And, unlike you, I'm not afraid to kill someone dead in the spot."

Adriano glared at her, but didn't speak, and threw you a towel.

You grabbed the towel weakly, whipping your face, and breathing heavily.

"She's not just your prisoner. I brought her here, I get to decide on how to bargain."

The women left with a growl, leaving you and Adriano alone once more.

"So, I'm guessing your wife is stronger than you." You coughed, tying your hair back with the bandanna that was around your neck.

"She's not my wife." He snapped, then moved to the other side of the room.

He grabbed something from a drawer and sling shot it to you.

You caught it and smiled. It was a hair tie.

"But...she's stronger than you..." You stated and he groaned.

"Barely." He mumbled like a little boy and you rolled your eyes.

"Great, now escaping a lot harder."

"How is it any harder than if she's weaker?" He asked, and you laughed.

"Like she said your weak. Not in the power kind of way, it's that your not as willing to kill as she is. If she could she would kill me in an instant. But you on the other hand wouldn't. That's what she meant by wea-"

"I know what she meant by weak. And if I wanted to I'd kill you now, I would. But you have the power I need. So I'd shut your mouth before anymore blood spills, this time the one who hurts you will be me." He hissed, then added a, "Goodnight," before leaving .

You stared silently at the doorway he had just left from.

Yeah right. He would have injured me a long time ago if that was true. But that comeback, wow, he sure is witty. So adorable. lol Adriano is a softy, aha. I can use that against him...I just need to get out of here somehow...

A light bulb when on in your head and you smirked. "Perfect..."


They disappeared right in front of me, and then were gone before I could reach her.

"Shoot. Shoot shoot shoot." I continued, looking around.


"This is all my fault, I should have just left her on the boat..." I was now in tears, walking back and forth continuously.


I ignored my brother, continuing to cry.

"I should have known what was happening-that that wicked guy would come for her again."

"Peter!" James yelled, and I looked back at him.


"(Y/n) is captured-but hasn't this happened tons of times when-um-Hook took her. So we need to find out where that dude took her. He was using black vines...black vines so-"

At the same time me and my brother looked at each other.

"The dead forest." We whispered in unison, before running off.

"Peter-we need help!" Tinker Bell cried after him, also in tears.

"(Y/n) is our only hope for keeping the power of good and bad balanced-we need to save her!"

Tinker Bell gave me a deathly glare before yelling, "Go save your worthless girlfriend! Let this home burn down!" She then sped off.

I glowered her way, before sighing, and running off with my brother.

And Straight On Till Morning - Book 2 [Peter Pan X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now