[Chapter Thirteen]

Start from the beginning

I pause, and start think. "Technically my body crush doesn't live in my home town, so now," I tease. "So no."

"You probably just broke hearts worldwide." She laughs.

"Or saved some? I'm still single!"

"That's true." She nods her head. The interviewer starts shifting through some papers on her desk. "Now that you're officially signed up to a record label, does this rise to fame seem more real?" she asks.

"Doesn't feel real at all. I keep expecting to wake up from this dream."

"I'm feeling the same too. The top half of your outfit is very cute and edge, can you spin around for us?"

"Yes I can." Climbing out of my chair, I take a few steps back and check my positing in the camera. When I can see my full body is in view, I slowly spin around and then take a seat in my chair.

"Where do you buy your clothing?" 

"The skirt and necklace is a recent purchase from this weekend. I was fortunate enough to go shopping in some amazing undercurrent places there. They're all on my Instagram."

"Very nice," she comments. "Should we be expecting a tour?"

"It's hard to say, things have just happened and the details are very – up in the air."

The girl claps her hands together and smiles. "I've got two questions left. Do you feel the mask has helped or hurt your sudden rise to fame? Are you okay with what the mask has done for you?"

"The mask has helped my career in terms of putting me in the spotlight. It's also given me the confidence to start singing for other people. The mask also provides me with the best of both worlds. I get the chance to experience my dreams, along with keeping a normal life where I can continue with my education," I explain.

"You've got a new surge of power now, what do you plan on doing with it?"

"Stay head strong, I always want to be able to communicate with my fans – the very lovely, encouraging and supportive people. It may be hard at times, but it's something I aspire to do."   

"That's really sweet. One of the reasons I'm a fan, is because you do take that time and effort to interact with your fan base rather than cast them away." 

 "Thank you. I always want to be there for my fans, however I can be."

"Greatly worded. I was very surprised when I received the chance to interview you."

"See, anything for one of my amazing fans!" I say encouragingly.

"Now I know I said last two questions before, but I've recently got some more. Are you up for the challenge?" She starts drumming her hands against the table.   

"Bring it on," I shout back in an enthusiastic voice, pumping my fist in the air. 

"How old were you when you realized singing was a potential career path for you?" 

"I..." Leaning back in my chair, I swing from side to side. "Only recently when I uploaded the video. I have no idea what compelled me to do it, but I did. Before recording that video, I thought the worst of my voice – something I never shared with my best friend," I explain.

"So you just decided to upload the video on a whim?"

"Kind of, yes. I was stuck with writing my school paper. We had to write about something interesting in our life, and I just couldn't think of anything interesting worth writing about. So I decided I'd bite the bullet and try recording one of my songs in a video, share it and see what people thought. If they didn't like it, at least I'd done something crazy and reckless and notable to write about."

"Is that how you came around to posting your first video on YouTube?" she slips in. 

"Last question, I promise! Which artist would you most like to work with." She reads off a piece of paper.  

"Anyone who's into my style of music, has a cool vibe about them, and very done to earth. I'm not phases of their status, just what they overall can bring to the table," I reply.

"That's all we have time for, I would love to spend the whole day chatting, but I know you're probably busy." She pouts. 

"Yes me to, I shall follow you on twitter so that I can see when you upload this video!" I say. 

"That would be amazing, and to my views at home - I'm Ellie, and you're watching Music Stars interview with The Masked Singer. We hope we've answered all your burning questions!" 

Just as she concludes the end of the video chat, the screen goes dead and I'm left with a blank chat bar. This marks the end of one video, and four more to go.

As I wait for the next video request, I sit and stare at my new computer. Not only does this provide me with easy access to my social media accounts, and assignments. It also means I can record my videos on a higher quality. I can record and store whatever I like on here without worrying about people finding things before it's finished. 

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