Chapter 1 : The First Time

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Phil sat in his usual place in Math class, and he saved a seat for Dan, his best friend. The bell rang 9:00 and Dan wasn't here yet. Dan wasn't usually late for class - that was probably the only thing he wasn't late for. The register taken by last name and when it got to 'Howell' there was no response. Mr Jones asked Phil where Dan was, only for Phil to shrug his shoulders in response. A few seconds later, Dan walked slowly through the door.
"Sorry I'm late, Sir" he said shyly.
"It's ok, Dan, just sit down for me", Mr Jones said. He was quite a nice teacher, who rarely yelled or got angry. He was more an easy-going, happy teacher that didn't really care about anything.

Dan walked quickly over to the seat next to Phil and smiled unconfidently. Immediately, Phil sensed there was something wrong. Dan had a black eye and a burst lip. The lesson continued and when the teacher finished talking, everyone got out their textbooks and started working their way through the questions. Suddenly, Dan burst into tears. Phil grabbed Dan by the arm gently, unaware of what he was hiding underneath. He walked quickly over to Mr Jones and asked if he could take Dan outside.

"Dan, what's wrong?" Phil asked worried.
Dan didn't answer, instead he pulled up the sleeves on his blazer and shirt to reveal cuts and bruises all the way up his arm. Phil didn't say anything else, but ran up to Dan and have him a massive hug.

The lying llama // Phan (COMPLETED 10/12/16)Where stories live. Discover now