﴾15♦Too Well ﴿

Start from the beginning

"Oh well we're on common ground. You give us the girl and we'll let you off without any trouble." The third finally spoke, gripping my arm tightly. Instincts kicked in and I ran at him, kicking him as I flipped backwards out of his grip.

"Shit." Nix mumbled as he grabbed my arm and we ran.

The guards yelled and began to chase us. "Just had to go and kick him in the face didn't you?" He growled at me, his grip tight around my arm as he pulled me with him. I yanked my arm out and began running with more ease, dodging and swerving between the people. The guards, however, had no care for them and simply pushed them out of the way.

"Cabbages!! Get your Cabbages here!" I heard the man shout and I turned the corner, ignoring the guilt I felt for the plan in my mind.

"Follow me!" I shouted to Nix, pulling him towards the cart. The guards were gaining speed and were at our feet. The merchant's voice got louder and soon I saw him crossing the road with his cart. The large frame blocking most of the passage. "Go!" I shouted jumping over the cart, landing on the other side. Nix slid under the cart, quickly jumping up and continuing the run.

The guards, who were so focused on us, didn't notice the cart until it was too late. The crash was deafened by the loud crowd but I heard the merchant cry in outrage. Looking over my shoulder I held in a laugh. The guards were all piled up on each other, cabbage leaves spread out onto the road, covering them beneath the cart.

"Send me the bill!" Nix shouted back laughing, as we ran into a side alley. He pushed me against the wall, shielding me with his body as we waited for the guards. Our breaths mixed and soon enough the guards ran passed the alley, yelling and cursing. We waited for their voices to disappear before relaxing. I slumped my head back against the wall, closing my eyes. Nix rested his head on my shoulder, our breaths becoming the only sound in the alley. The noise of the roads drowned out.

"Are you seriously going to pay the man?" I asked, a chuckle slipping passed my lips.

"Of course." He lifted his head. "We ruined the man's business after all."

As if only noticing the closeness between us now, his body became rigid. His eyes shifted through mine as I stared back, our noses nearly touching. Our ragged breaths soon turned deeper and longer as we calmed down. His arms were on either side of my head, caging me in.

"I'll help pay. It was my idea anyways." I whispered, my voice weak in fear of breaking the silence. He blinked at my words, shifting his eyes lower before staking one slow step back. Silence enveloped us. We stood in front of each other, our gazes never wavering. I cleared my throat and looked away. "We should go." He nodded and turned, avoiding my eyes.

The crowd's noise was strong and deafened my ears once more, but not even that could pull away the awkward silence set between us. I followed his hood, hands clasped together tightly as to not lose each other, and made our way back to the bridge with the secret stairs.

Down the stairs felt even more tense. Without the noise of the streets, only the sound of our breathing and the occasional drip of water echoed down the tunneled staircase. It was dark for a few seconds and I instinctively moved closer to Nix. He snapped his fingers and brought a light, revealing the close distance between us. He stepped back, never looking away from me, before turning towards the stairs and heading down.

I breathed a stray hair out of my face in a huff. I shifted on my feet, following the man in frustration. If the tense silence remained here throughout the mission, it'd make everything a whole lot harder.

I welcomed the boom of the black market streets once we were out of the tunnel. Clasping his hand, we weaved through the never ending surplus of people, finally reaching the Underground castle gates.

"Apparently she's too perfect," was the first thing Nix said walking into the office, where everyone was conveniently waiting. "We pulled the hood off for a second and she was attacked by 3 guards."

Axel placed a hand on my shoulder, looking down at me in concern. "I'm good buddy," I nodded patting his hand. "Nothing running into a cabbage cart can't fix." He huffed in agreement and sat back.

"You have something on your back." Lydia went up to Nix and pulled a cabbage leaf out of his hood. "What the hell?" She asked with her nose scrunched up. I held in a chuckle and looked over at Rem.

"Are you saying we need to add some imperfections?" He asked, shifting through papers busily.

"I think so. If she's too perfect he might catch on and become suspicious of her, not to mention she'll become more of a target, too much attention." Nix answered.

"Very well, we'll go later on in the evening." I raised my eyebrows.

"When did your speech become so proper?" I asked leaning into Axel's side.

"When you have to deal with shady merchants and Underground guards, I have to show I'm smarter than them and have more power if I want to keep them under my control. I had to speak to each one of them to make sure they know I'm taking over and taxes should be sent here." He ruffled his hair in frustration. "It's a whole nother monarchy down here, the only difference is the average income considering everyone here is a drat."

"Drat? I haven't heard that term before."

"Living in the forest will do that to you." I glared at a smirking Lydia.

"It means poor, homeless. Anyone not middle or upper class. Unemployed and drunks are usually in the category as well." Nix answered still avoiding my gaze. I nodded in thanks as I stood up.

"We'll I'll be in the pool." I nodded my goodbyes and went to my room.

I took off my dress, careful to not let the knives cut through any of the fabric, and stood in my undergarments. There was no specific swimming attire in any of the closets so I grabbed a towel and left like that. 

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