Baubles and Colourful Lights

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You had exchanged numbers with Phil so you could keep in touch, and not have to use Dan as an owl, or twitter to communicate. Which ended up with you and Phil becoming close friends and talking often, and a week before Christmas day he added you to a group chat with some other youtubers; Tyler Oakley, Zoella, Alfie (pointless blogs), Louise (sprinkle of glitter), Dan, PJ (kickthePJ) and Chris (crabstickz.) You found out that Tyler was only in it because his family was taking a trip to London for Christmas week, and the group chat was for a small get together Christmas eve eve so everyone could see each other.

Ty Ty: we could go out for dinner at a fancy place or something and then go back to dan and phils flat maybe?

Zoe: I'd rather not go out in public if I don't have to. I think it would be too crowded for me

Pj: why don't we all just go to someones flat and watch Christmas movies or something?

Chris: and everyone just has to bring snacks or something?

Louise: I'm in for whatever you guys know that, we just cant do it here

Alfie: I'm good as long as zoe is comfortable

Zoe: that would be nice actually! i could bring cupcakes!

Y/N: we can probably do it at mine, you'd just have to deal with my roommate who is super nice and i think would get along with all of you :))

Dan: id like that

Phil: sounds fun!

Ty Ty: its a plan then!!

"You said what?!" f/n half yells half says to me wide-eyed.

"I-uh.. said we could do a Christmas thing here the 23rd.." you smile brightly at them hoping they aren't going to make you cancel on everyone. But what they say surprises you,

"And you didn't tell me sooner?!? We have to decorate, and make appropriate Christmas snacks, and buy everyone gift bags all made personalized for each person!" Now you're the one looking wide-eyed seeing as how you don't know how you both are going to pull all this together in two days.

You end up going out that day and buying 8 small gift bags, and things to fill each with that fit the person its going to, a Christmas tree plus ornaments for it. As well as bags upon bags of wall/door/general room decorations. F/n also convinced you to get Dan a spate gift and to give them Phil's phone number.... well that was more of they forcefully took your phone and took his number but they have it now either way.

After putting everyone's gift bags together both you and f/n decide the rest can be done tomorrow and they you both need to sleep. Groggy you stumble into your room and flop onto your bed, at this very moment you're grateful that you changed into pjs. Its not long after you slip under the covers that your asleep. Though it feels like you've only just fallen asleep when you're woken up by banging and boxes being loudly opened. You roll over and check the time, 12:48pm.

"Ughhhhh" you groan falling off the bed and dragging yourself towards the noise in the lounge. You walk in to find f/n humming a Christmas tune to themselves unboxing what looks to be the fourth set of Christmas lights. You look around to find that the lounge is fully decorated and the lights are for the last bit of window.

"Wow." you say causing f/n to jump and squeal a little bit. "When did you wake up to do all this?" you ask still smiling from her reaction.

"First of all. Don't do that! As for when I got up, like 7:30. but it didn't take that long and I wanted to wait for you to do the tree!" they say stringing up the lights, and turning to face you with a smile on their face. Though they do look tired,

"Coffee?" is all you say with a raised eyebrow and you get a clear nod. You turn and go to the kitchen turning on the Keurig and getting out two Christmas mugs; a tall but thin snowman one for f/n and a red one with white snowflakes for yourself. F/n is sitting on the sofa going through emails on their laptop when you return with the drinks.

"Thank you, you save lives" they say taking the drink from your hands, you laugh and set your own cup on the table to head over to the tree box.

"Wanna do this now?" f/n glances up at you and shrugs before getting up to help you. The two of you manage to get the tree up no problem and put it up against the wall behind the couch, and get most of the decorations on without breaking anything. Its when you realize each of you grabbed a tree topper and you cant decide which to put up. You decide on yours because it change colours, but agree that next year you'll put up f/n's.

You finish up the rest of the decorations before 6pm, and film a quick video before joining f/n for takeout.
"Tomorrow's hopefully will go well." You say to them,
"Yeah. I'm sure it'll go great!" You smile and finish your food ignoring the fact they're acting kind of weird.

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