Sleep Overs and Worries (Part 1)

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At first, sitting outside with the 4 other girls at a round glass table out front a cute cafe seemed immensely boring. But after about 15 mins, you changed your mind. you'd become so used to being cooped up inside the flat that you hadn't really been out much lately. And you had to admit, you missed it.
"y/n! hello? earth to y/n?" you were snapped out of your thoughts by Louise waving her hand at you trying to get your attention.
"oh sorry i must of zoned out." you say calmly,
"It's okay, i was asking you about what you have in mind for your outfit!" she seemed excited to ask, and eager to know,
"uh, i don't really know yet. i'll find something when i find it i guess." you laugh softly and avoid eye contact with her. Before she can say anything else the waiter comes over carrying our order. After handing off what belonged to who he asked if we needed anything else, everyone shared a quick glance before Zoe piped up and said,
"Actually! Could you take a picture of all of us?" he give an awkward smile and took the phone from Zoe. We all huddled around the table a little closer than comfortable so you could see everyone.
"Um, why don't you guys take a silly one to? Just a thought, you don't have to." he almost seemed like he wanted to leave, but also stay and eat with us. Poppy of course agreed on behalf of everyone, which made the waiter smiling shyly and his brown mop of hair fell slightly into his eyes. He kinda reminded you of a younger Dan,  which made you impulsively pull out your phone to text him. But you stop yourself, i'm here with my friends and we made a rule that we weren't allowed to text anyone else unless it was important. You thought to yourself as you put ur phone back down.

Dans PoV:
"Phil!!" i call out through the flat unsure of where he went. We were supposed to go shopping for our party outfits and i also wanted to get y/n something. As i feel bad for how over baring i was on her. I still didn't hear an answer so i headed into the lounge where I found him, sleeping with food wars still on. Sighing i go to wake him up but stop, i pick up a pillow from under his feet and throw it at his head.
"AHH!" he calls out as he rolls off the couch, "why would you do that Dan?!" he half yells at mean trying to catch his breath. I can't answer i'm laughing so hard, but i do manage a quick, "That was hilarious!" before continuing to laugh. And it wasn't long until Phil started laughing along with me.
"okay but seriously get ready. we have to go out and get stuff still." I'm finally able to get out.

"Oh Dan what about this one?" I look over to find Phil holding up the world ugliest shirt, and that's coming from me.
"Phil. Please don't tell me you actually want to wear that to a youtube party?"
"Of course not. It's for you!" He smiled really big and pushed the shirt into my chest leaving me with it and then walking away. I quickly put it back on the rack and moved on with my shopping. I still had to find something that y/n would like, but i couldn't think of anything. Maybe Phil will know i thought to myself watching him put on a light grey jacket that actually looked really good on him. But when he looked at the tag he took it off and put it back on the rack. I went back to shopping for my own stuff eventually finding a black jacket with purple under tones and a light grey button up to go underneath.
After paying for all of our stuff i still didn't have an idea of what to get y/n.

Phil gave me the perfect idea for y/n's gift, and after grabbing what i needed we headed back to the flat. Once there i headed to my room and phil to his to sort our stuff out.
"Phil!" I head some shuffling and then see his head pop into my room,
"Yes?" he asks raising his eyebrow.
"I think this ended up in my bag somehow." at first he looks at me questionably and then i turn around with the grey jacked and his eyes light up a little.
"Dan! Did you buy the jacket for me?"
"I know how you are when you buy things and i saw u try it on and thought it looked good on you." i smile at him and then return to what i was doing, and i hear him say a thank you before returning to his room.

Y/N PoV:
You'd  already been to a few stores before you actually found anything you liked, but the first few things were turned down by the others as "too causal." As you're walking back past other stores, looking in the show windows you see it. The perfect dress, well technically it's a top and a skirt but still. You immediately without telling anyone rush into the store and find the first worker you see,
"Hi, i was wondering if the dress in the window was for sale? I don't care how much." The lady looked surprised you were asking but smiled at you and told you to follow you to the register to ring you up. You walk out of the store and you see the girls are waiting for you and immediately start asking what it looks like and how you could just buy it without trying it on first and how much it cost you. But you just assure them that's it's meant for you and it doesn't matter what it cost. And with that all of you head back to Zoe's place, grabbing starbucks and more snacks on the way.

so i'm doing this chapter in two parts for two reasons. those being, it would be like a 2500 word long chapter and that doesn't fit w my like 700 average. and also it fits better this way for me and probably also you (as you get an update sooner rather than later whoops)
ALSO, there will only be about 30 chapters to this book, and there's a very big turn of events coming soon!! (btw this is the 14th chapter so almost half way!)
another thing, i read all of you're comments and honestly you all are hilarious and super nice and i love you all sm!!
and last thing, i know Dan and Phil have moved flats! but i'm going to keep with the layout of the old one, mostly because it's easier, and also because we don't really know what it looks like yet so 🤷🏻‍♀️
i think that's all for now

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