not an update 🙆🏻

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this isn't an update for the story but i just wanted to tell you guys that i love you all so much. i do actually read your comments on the parts and some of them are hilarious and make my day. so thank you to everyone that's been reading this and for putting up with my terrible updating schedule 😂😂 i'm gunna try to sort out something so it's steady and i don't update 4 times one month and then fall off the face of the earth for 3 month.  but you don't understand how much all of you mean to me, and how grateful i am for your positive feedback and support. ❤️❤️

p.s i've made time this weekend to do some writing. but the next chapter is going to be more a transition one. the one after tho will hopefully be longer, closer to 800-1000 words

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