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You stayed with Dan and Phil, as dan didn't feel safe having you alone in the flat. It was nice spending so much time with him, and his bed was comfortable. Though you often woke up in the middle of the night to find Dan had gotten up, and never went back to bed. You started to worry about him, even though he keep saying he was fine and slept well.

Dan's PoV:
I couldn't sleep knowing y/n's ex was in the city, and knows where she lives. I even sent Phil over to her flat so if he does show up Phil's there to protect f/n.
We were on the couch watching a movie when her phone started going off like crazy. Text after text, call after call, though she kept ignoring them and dismissing them.
"who keeps calling you?" i ask softly, but she just shrugs and says it's no one important. About an hour later i noticed y/n had fallen asleep, so gently without waking her i picked her up bridal style and brought her to my bedroom. But when i go to put her down she won't let go, sighing i cling into bed with her letting her continue hanging onto me. I prop my head up on my arm and take in her face. Smiling to myself a notice a strand of hair fall into her face and I push it out her face.

y/n PoV:
You woke up laying on dans chest, who was passed out. Not wanting to wake him you move slowly out of bed and tip toe into the kitchen but of course someone ate the last of the cereal. You sigh internally and start getting out ingredients to make pancakes when you hear the doorbell.                        "Phil probably forgot his keys again," you say a loud heading for the door, not bother to look through the peep hole you toss it opening expecting greet Phil but find a different familiar face looking at you.  "what the hell are you doing here James? What do you want from me, I've moved on. we broke up, get it through your thick skull would you?" And before he can even say anything you slam the door in his face, locking it, then running upstairs and jumping on Dan. He shot up like a spring board and saw you and immediately pulled you into a hug seeing you haves tears in your eyes.
"what happened? did you have a bad dream?" he asks keeping you tight against his chest, running his hand along your lower back trying to calm you down. You stutter a bit but you eventually manage to tell him what happened through the sobs.
"Oh y/n, it's going to be okay. I'm gunna call the police and have him arrested for harassing you and we'll get a restraining order. It'll all be okay. I'm here, you're safe." As he keeps repeating that you're safe and he's there, you end up falling asleep in his arms.

*im so sorry!! you don't even know how mad i am at myself for this being so late but i haven't had the time. and i was wrong about when my march break was, and it was this past week. but hopefully i will be able to update more. would you guys be okay with shorter chapters like this more often or longer ones every few weeks?*

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