Flowers from who?

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You've just finished filming a video about v/i when your phone goes off about 8 times in a row. Curious, you walk over and turn it on seeing you've been added to a group text with Zoe, Louise, Poppy, Tanya, and you. From a quick skim through you see that they're planing a sleepover next weekend and you externally sigh. You're always either the first or last person to fall asleep and it's terrible, but you open the chat anyway and properly read through it all.
Zoe: Hey, I'm guessing you guys all got the email this morning about the YouTube party next Monday that for some sort of special announcement?
Poppy: I got one yeah, do you know what it's about?
Zoe: idk actually
Tanya: I was curious about that as well
Zoe: but! I was thinking that we could have a sleepover over the weekend of and then get ready together?
Tanya: that sounds great!
Poppy: I'd totally be up for that!
Louise: Yeah that sounds like fun, and we can go shopping for dresses!!
Zoe: yes! You: Sounds like fun! But who has a party on a Monday night?? Poppy: ikr, it seems a little odd to me Zoe: i agree it does, but oh well. Is everyone okay to be here the Saturday afternoon? Tanya: I'll be there!
Poppy: wouldn't miss it :)
Louise: I have to get someone to babysit, but as soon as I do I'll let you know
Zoey: alright, hopefully you'll find someone!
You: I might be a little late, but I'll be there as well
You turn off your phone and head to the kitchen for a snack while you edit, as you're opening the fridge you notice a purple box placed on the counter along side a bunch of flowers.
"F/N!" You call, hoping they're home. You wait for a minute and still get no response, curious, you head over to the box and see the tag says your name on it. Odd, must be from dan. You think to yourself as you open the box. But you find out that it definitely isn't from Dan. Inside the box was a picture of you and dan, except Dans face had been burnt out, and the note inside wasn't dans messy handwriting, it was neat and proper like the paper itself.
I've been meaning to write to you for a while now but I haven't been able to find your address in my phone. So I had to search the Internet for a long time, and I found out you have a boyfriend?? Did you think I wouldn't find out you're cheating on me??? Especially seeing as your every move is put onto the Internet in some stupid video. But I just wanted to send you your favourite flowers and what would of been a lovely picture of you without that dan in it. Ironic that I set him on fire isn't it
You're forever boyfriend James xoxoxox

Ps. I'm coming to visit you next week, miss you tons"
You sigh and set done the paper, you had thought you'd finally gotten away from that lunatic but you guess not. And he's coming to visit. How could it get any worse than seeing him again?
You suddenly hear the door open and heavy footsteps towards the kitchen. You quickly pull a rolling pin from the counter and hold it like baseball bat. A tall man with brown hair walks around and you realize it's dan halfway into your swing,
"Woah there! You okay y/n?" Dan asks holding out his hands and taking to pin.
"Yeah sorry, I got a letter and flowers from my ex and it said that's he's apparently coming over next week." You sigh and let him pull you into a hug,
"I'll stay here all of next week so if he does show up you can show him you've moved on." You look up at his cute smile and watch it turn to a frown when he sees yours. Without saying anything you moved and grab the picture of dan and you, handing it to him reluctantly. You see his face drop even more if that's even possible, and says one word.

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