Milk and cookies

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You stare in your closet thinking of what to wear. You've had no time to plan because, as usual you never bothered to check your email until last night, where you learned that there was a secret Santa Youtuber Christmas party! You've end up deciding on a strapless black and red dress, pairing it with a belt, white cover, and simple black polka dotted tights.

You do your normal makeup, and usual hair before putting on your shoes grabbing your bag and heading out the door

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You do your normal makeup, and usual hair before putting on your shoes grabbing your bag and heading out the door. Time to find Tyler a Christmas gift, you sigh getting in your car.
-Time skip-
You hand the black and white patterned gift bag to Tyler smiling.
"Oh! This for me?" He says smerking at you. You nod and let him take the bag.
"Oh my gosh y/n! I love it!" Exclaims Tyler as he pulls out a button up off green top with what look like dandelion fluff all over it.
"I know how much you love button up shirts." You say giggling,
"Do you know who has me?" You ask quietly.
"No, I don't know who you have. I'm sure they'll show up, and it'll be as wonder as you are!" And he hugs you before going back to Korey.
You head over to the corner where there's a sofa near the drinks and sit down. Sighing you take out my phone and scroll through tumblr, you're sitting there for 20 mins, before I hear Zoe yelling at you,
"Thank god I found you! I've been looking for a good 10 mins and I was beginning to think you had left without your gift. Speaking of..." She trails off and she goes into her bag pulling out a small box and handing it to you.
"They asked me to give it to you, because they couldn't find you and had to leave." She smiles, You just look at the box wondering who it could be from, you take off the lid and find a small piece of paper with messy writing on it. You read it, having to stare at some words longer to know what they say, by this point Zoe has left to rejoin the party and can't help you.
I've seen a few of your videos and was wondering if you wanted to collab or hang out or something? Yeah that'd be cool. Text me (phone number)
It doesn't say who it's from though, odd.
"This is taking secret Santa to a whole new level.." You mumble to yourself. You get up and head for the door when you notice someone staring at you from the corner of you eye. Dan Howell, with a cup of something in his hand, was looking at you as you walked out the door.
The cold breeze hits you like a wall, and calms you down, you've had a crush on Dan since he started making videos but you've never really talked to him other that a few times at vidcon. You sigh and get in your car, making the short drive home.

A/n It's probs going to be kinda boring for the first few chapters but it will get better! I promise

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