“I told your parents that I would keep you safe, and I don’t want to break that promise,” Warren tells her sternly.

            “My parents aren’t here anymore. It’s just me. I can have a say in my life,” Sophie demands. There are only two people in the world that can talk to Warren like that without getting slapped, his daughter, and the person staring him down right now.

            “If I could interject,” River begins.

            “No, you can’t,” Sophie mutters.

            River smiles. “Well, I’m going to anyways. I think Sophie should come with us. She can see how it actually is out in the real world, and not all buttered up like it is down here.”

            It’s quiet for a moment before Warren says, “We’ll talk about this later.” With that being said he walks away. Sophie storms out of the cafeteria as well.

            The room is quiet, even the people sitting at the other tables are silent.

            Chase breaks the quietness. “We should probably get ready for the run.” He gets up from the table, and so does everyone else. We all walk out of the cafeteria, and go our separate ways.

            Everyone else lives in a different section than Sophie and I, so I walk back by myself. I’m not sure whether or not Sophie will be in the room, but I sort of hope she isn’t.

            I wonder if Whitford’s room is near mine. I also wonder what happened to him that made his so...so cold. I haven’t heard him talk to a single person without getting angry.

            I bump into someone’s chest, and I fall to the ground. When I look up I see who it is. Speak of the devil.


            I quickly rush to my feet when I notice Whitford isn’t going too give me a hand up. “When did you get back?” I ask him.

            “When was my appearance your business?” he replies back.

            "That’s nice. I've always wanted to answer a question with a question not only does it make you seem extremely intellectual while also making you seem witty, but it's also so damn funny," I say with a smile on my face.

            “What?” he questions, confused.

            “Nothing,” I roll my eyes. “But really, when did get back?” Whitford sighs. He is completely covered in dirt and blood, so he obviously hasn’t showered yet. “Well, you must’ve just gotten back since it looks as if you haven’t bathed.”

            “Thank you Captain Obvious,” he mutters.

            “No problem Sergeant Sarcasm,” I reply wittily.

            Whitford looks irritated, but he finally answers. “You’re right. I did just get back. And the trip was way better than if I had gone back with you and the Brady Bunch.”

            “Who is the Brady Bunch?” I ask, my eyebrows furrowing. “Does Warren know you’re back?”

            “Never mind,” he says. “What I’d like to now is how you were able to get in here. And why so many people are trusting you. But yes to answer your question Warren does know that I am back.”

            “People like me. Plus I went through the truth serum. They know everything. Now I need to go back to my room, since I’m going on a run with some other people. If you don’t mind moving,” I motion for him to get out of the way, but he just stands there like a rock.

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