Chapter Three

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Here is your next chapter! I hope you enjoy! Make sure to  leave a comment at the bottom! :) Again I did not edit yet! SO please point out any mistakes, so I can fix em' And trust me, there will be a lot! The song on the side is what I listened to over and over while I wrote this chapter, so listen to it if you want! And it was in Percy Jackson: Sea Of Monsters! 

  2094: Chapter 3

             One, I yelp out in pain. Two, I scream for Eli. Three, more zombies run towards me. Four, blood pours viciously out of my arm. Five, my legs feel like they weigh a hundred pounds. Six, I start to stumble towards the nearest building. Seven, my arm goes numb. Eight, nothing. Nine, nothing. Ten, nothing.


            Why am I not one of them? Was my counting off? I don’t care! I’m alive! I’m not one of them!

            The fact that my heart is still beating, gives me momentum to run. I hear a voice calling my name.

            “Imogene!” It’s Eli’s voice. “Over here!”

            I look to see him standing in an old building by a guy whose holding a gun. The man who holds the gun shoots down zombies, one by one. Not wasting a single bullet.

            My feet hurt terribly. I never ran when I was in school. If I knew that zombies would takeover when I was younger, I would’ve trained. I’m pretty sure everybody would’ve trained.

            The backpack that I still wear is weighing me down. Without wasting one moment I slip off the backpack. All the food I was carrying in it would probably be smashed now, so it is a useless weight that I was carrying around.

            The building is not too far away, probably twenty feet away. I could no doubt make it, if I didn’t have zombies on my trail.

            I stumble over the sidewalk, falling onto my stomach. I can feel the painful sting of fresh cuts all over my body. I don’t want to look down and see the damage I did to my body when I fell though. I quickly rise to my feet and start running, just as a zombie reaches the spot where I had fallen.

            Eli starts to run towards me, to help me move faster, since it is quite obvious that I’m slowing down. He reaches me and tugs on my uninjured arm and we quickly make our way to the door where the strange man stands. Finally, Eli and I arrive. Eli shuts the large metal door with a loud slam and puts a chair against the doors handle.

            I take in the room we stand in, and realize that it is a mini grocery store. I’ve been here a couple times before with my Mom. The sudden thought of my Mom tears my heart in half. I hope to God that she is all right. Silent tears drift down my face, but they are not for my Mom, they are for Aster. I hadn’t really known her for that long. She has always been the quiet girl that sits in the back of the classroom. But since I have met her, really met her, she was great. I just wish that I had been a friend of her before all of this happened.

            “Imogene, are you alright?” Eli asks me, but his voice seems far away.

            I look up to his concerned face staring at me. I shake my head slightly, signaling that I’m not okay. Tears fill my eyes, but I quickly brush them away not wanting to be caught crying.

            “How could I be okay? Nothing has gone right. Everyone I love is dead! Everyone I know is dead! You left Aster and I. And now Aster is dead because of it,” my breath catches on the end, as I try to stop myself from sobbing. I know I shouldn’t be blaming Eli for Aster’s death, but I can’t help myself.

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