Chapter Ten

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 2094: Chapter Ten

            Fear isn't being repulsed and disturbed by something you know. It's not the feeling you get when you enter a 'haunted house' on Halloween. That's just the opening acts. True fear, the kind that shatters sanity, and drives even the bravest souls to gibbering heaps, comes from things that you don't know, from things that you simply can't know.  Something so intrinsically wrong, something that simply should not, cannot exist. When you see something that defies reality itself that is when you will feel fear.

            It also doesn’t help that thing you fear most is yourself. I’m something that shouldn’t exist. I shouldn’t be alive. I’m not a real person, nor will I ever be a real person. Maybe that’s why I am able to say what I said.

            “My name is Imogene. I’m sixteen years old, and I’m from a small town named Hansbrook,” I lie.

            It’s silent in the room for a moment. Almost too silent like the people on the other side are deciding whether or not they can believe me. Of course they will believe me, since I took the truth serum, and they think that it actually worked on me. 

            “What is your business with Nova Vida?” Warren asks. Reagan must have told him what I had told her earlier, so I’ll practically be telling him information that he already knows.

            “They found me at the camp I was staying at, thought they could use my blood as a cure to save the world. I innocently believed them, and willingly went to their base. That was until I over heard what they were planning to do with me. What they were planning on doing to the rest of the world. I was lucky though. I was able to sneak out.” Most of what I told them was the truth. They did trick me into believing them. They did trick me to think that I could save everyone in the world. And I was able to get out.

            I can hear someone sigh over the intercom. I’m not sure who, since there are many people behind the mirror. But I’m guessing it’s Warren.

            “What is your business with the resistance?” he asks.

            “I want to stop Nova Vida once and for all. They’re bad people, and I don’t like the fact that they think they can rule the world. But I can’t do it on my own. I’m gonna need the rebels help too,” I tell him. Even though it was the rebels that found me, I was still searching for someone to help take Nova Vida down. They just made the job easier.

            “Thank you. That will be all. The drugs will wear off within the next twelve hours, so I would suggest sleeping that off,” he begins referring to the truth serum. “We’ll get you set up in a room. Everyone shares so you’ll have a roommate. I’ll also get you in training, to see if you can use a weapon or not. We’ll be watching you for your first week here, and I’ll let you know by then end of the week if you’re staying or not.”

            Maria opens up the door. Her blonde puffy hair is now tied into a pointy tail that reaches down to her mid-back. “Good job, Darlin'. Warren will warm up to you soon. Now lets get out of here. Your friends are waiting for you in the other room.”

            I get up from the dental chair, and my head instantly goes in circles. The truth serum didn’t make me tell the truth but it did give me the worst headache in the world. But I would take this over the truth any day.

            I rise to my feet, and follow Maria out the door. Zed is the only one standing there now. The rest must’ve gone with Warren to explain everything that happened over the past few days. Maria leaves to get back to her work, and Zed takes my arm to walk out of the interrogation room.

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