8. EXPOSED - Rage Against the Flamily & Friendship 101

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Your favorite exposers are back and this time, we're giving you a dose of what it's like to face Marquilla when she's on tour with Jason. As everyone knows, Jason adores his Flamily and always tries to give back for support. According to an insider who was at Jason's Seattle show, Jason said "I just want to make a difference and use whatever influence I have to help others" and that he did everything for his family.

Yes, Jason said he did it to make his family's lives better and he wanted to be a positive influence to the world. However, the insider noticed Marquilla at the side of the stage looking pissed off at her boyfriend. Marquie was glaring at the crowd through the entire Q & A session, and it grew worse when her name wasn't Jason's response to who he'd like to duet with.

Marquilla's ill temper didn't stop there. At the Seattle meet and greets, someone who was there tweeted about how Marquilla had to be dragged out by Jason's bodyguard Bo because she was upset that some fans gave him a huge bar of Hershey's chocolate. Yeah, you heard us. A giant chocolate bar. She flipped out over candy.

As the tour continued, Marquilla remained on the road with Jason until just recently. Even though her time with Jason was short-lived, Marquilla still delivered the goods by showcasing her blatant hatred for Jason's female fans--about 95% of the Flamily. Yikes!

@JessFlamel007: Does Marquie not like chocolate? She just about killed those girls.

@ILUVJASON01: Marquie FLIPPED over chocs! Still must b salty a/b Jason's response.

@JasonsUniverse: Just saw Marquie yell at a group of girls. She needs to take a chill pill. It's just chocolate lol

Since the Seattle show, the Flamily has seen Marquilla lash out on people who haven't even bothered her. At Vancouver, Jason chilled out a bit before and talked to some of the fans who came to the venue early. According to one of the Vancouver insiders (@CanFlam), it was just Jason and Bo for a good fifteen minutes or so. As soon as Marquilla arrived, you can imagine what happened next. Here's the twitlonger explaining what really went down.

@CanFlam: @CoralFlamel and I got to Rogers Arena at 9:30 this morning and we were lucky enough to get there when Jason arrived. Omg he's just as beautiful and perfect in person as I imagined and he's literally the biggest sweetheart ever! I talked to Jason about his music and how he inspired me to follow my dreams. He asked me what it was and when I told him that it was to open my own vet office, he gave me a hug and told me I'm inspiring for wanting to help animals. He also told me that he's lucky to have fans like me because our ambitions inspire him. I nearly cried okay because he smelled so good and he was saying nice things to me and omg I'm gonna cry just thinking about it!

Then it was Coral's turn to talk to Jason. Sh was literally shaking, the poor thing, and Jason held her hand and told her to breathe so she could calm down. Jason is a literal angel you guys, I can't even with him!

Suddenly, Marquilla came out of nowhere and she yelled at Coral because she was holding Jason's hand. I tried to explain that Coral was having an anxiety attack and Jason was only trying to help, but Marquilla snapped. She told me to "mind your own fucking business" and that she wasn't speaking to me. Then she went on and yanked Jason's hand out of Coral's.

Bo and Jason both told Marquilla to calm down, but she was raging. She literally saw red and started yelling at Bo and anyone else who tried to come and talk to her. Marquilla wouldn't listen to anyone. I'm not gonna go into extensive detail, but Marquilla yelled at a little girl who wanted to give Jason something. I'm pretty sure she wasn't even ten.

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