Chapter Twenty-Four

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So, something completely different...I'm struggling with writer's block and I'm hoping that if I write something new, it will get my juices flowing. I saw something on one of the many group's walls and it intrigued me, The Twi-Sci-Fi/Fantasy Contest. I've always been interested in Star Trek and science fiction. Even before Twilight, it caught my attention. I even wrote some Star Trek: Deep Space Nine fic, but never posted it. Anyhow, the idea that I had couldn't really lend itself to a one-shot. I decided to make it full-length fic (or novella...whichever it turns out to be).

Now, none of this mine. I'm not Stephenie Meyer, nor do I claim to be. I just like to play with her characters because they make me forget about my life for a while. I also do not own Star Trek, which the space aspects of the story is loosely based off of. Everything mine.

We've got one real chapter left. That's this upcoming chapter with the hopeful resolution of the Alliance threat. Not to mention, we have Elizabeth and Charanel's mating ceremony and El-lak D'nus. *Waggles brows* For those of you who don't remember what El-lak D'nus is, it's the Cygnarian blood fever, when a woman needs to mate. So, you know what that means.

Chapter Twenty-Four


Just as we were settling into slumber, my communicator beeped. I groaned, wanting to ignore it. It beeped again. I picked it up, activating it. "Cullen," I grumped.

"Edward, I'm sorry to disturb you," Dad said. "The Reman Ambassador contacted us about the peace treaty."

"Uhmmmhmmm," I answered sleepily, putting my head on Bella's bare belly. Her fingers found their way into my hair, idly massaging my scalp.

"Stay awake, Edward. I know that you were up late last night," Dad barked.

"I'm up," I yawned. "What did the Reman Ambassador want?"

"He said that in order for there to be peace between the Alliance and the Federation, you have to negotiate treaty," Dad snapped. "He sent us a set of coordinates and you have to be there in a week, Edward."

"Where are these coordinates?" I asked, sitting up and covering my still bare mate.

"The planet Remus," Dad replied. "With the Cygnarus, it will take a week for you to get there. You need to depart immediately. I'm sorry."

"Dad, do they sound serious about abiding by the proposed peace treaty or will they still pose a threat?" I asked, now fully awake. "We have to put this behind us."

"I don't know, Edward," Dad answered.

Worst. Possible. Answer.


Edward ended his communication with his father, scrubbing his face. I rolled over, frowning at this unwelcomed turn of events. "This will never end, will it?" I muttered.

"Oh, it's going to end. Perhaps, a face-to-face conversation with the Reman Ambassador will be our best ally," Edward said, getting up and out of bed. He was gloriously naked. Despite our voracious need for each other, seeing him without any clothing and walking so comfortably in his apartment made me want him again. However, I put a lid on those desires. My mate was stressing out over this meeting and unrealistic time frame to get to said meeting with the Reman Ambassador. When he came back, he dressed in his Imperial attire. "We need to go, Fíorghrá. I'm sorry. I know we were supposed to have dinner with Elizabeth and Charanel today, but in order to get to the planet, Remus, we have to depart now."

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