Chapter Two

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So, something completely different...I'm struggling with writer's block and I'm hoping that if I write something new, it will get my juices flowing. I saw something on one of the many group's walls and it intrigued me, The Twi-Sci-Fi/Fantasy Contest. I've always been interested in Star Trek and science fiction. Even before Twilight, it caught my attention. I even wrote some Star Trek: Deep Space Nine fic, but never posted it. Anyhow, the idea that I had couldn't really lend itself to a one-shot. I decided to make it full-length fic (or novella...whichever it turns out to be).

Now, none of this mine. I'm not Stephenie Meyer, nor do I claim to be. I just like to play with her characters because they make me forget about my life for a while. I also do not own Star Trek, which the space aspects of the story is loosely based off of. Everything mine.

Chapter Two


I paced the length of my quarters that I was sharing with Alice. The low hum of the ships engine reverberated through my body and the stars streaked by, looking like Rishna flies from my home world. I remember capturing the flies, keeping them in a jar and staring at them with my brother, Charanel. They glowed beautifully, lighting up my room. It was such a time of innocence and happiness. A time when my father was still with us and I did not understand the cruelty of war.

The door chimed. I walked to open it. I was greeted by the red-haired woman with the tail. "Greetings, Empress," she said gruffly. "Dr. Halé wanted me to check on you. She was called away for a medical emergency."

"I'm fine, Commander Braxas," I smiled. "The accommodations are quite luxurious. I've never seen such a ship with rooms like these." I gestured for her to enter and she looked around my new home with appraising eyes. "Is everything alright?"

"Sorry, Empress. It's in my nature to constantly look for a threat. Captain Cullen received explicit instructions that you are not to be harmed," she said, smiling sheepishly. Commander Braxas was the head of the security team on the Volvo. It made sense for her to worry about my safety. Though, at the mention of the captain, my heart stammered against my ribs. I could feel my spots luminesce and my eyes darken. Why am I reacting to this man's name like he was my mate? It made no sense. I never met Captain Cullen and he was a human. "Empress? Are you okay? You look a little flushed."

"I'm fine, Commander," I replied, trying to calm my body down. I needed to get these reactions under control. Alice noticed my spots glowing as we were walking to our quarters.

"Empress..." Commander Braxas began.

"Please, call me Bella," I smiled. "I'm not an empress on this vessel, just a passenger."

"Only if you call me Victoria." I nodded, giving her the standard Cygnarian greeting. Victoria mimicked my actions clumsily. "Bella, if you need anything, you can access the computer at this terminal." She pressed a few buttons and a screen lit up. "The cultural databases of all of the Federation worlds are on here, including literature, music and art. You can also send communications out to your home world at the same terminal."

"The journey to Lapus is long. We've never been able to communicate with ships along the borders," I whispered.

"We have a very strong communications array along with many Federation satellites and space stations that can relay your hails," Victoria explained. She reached into her pocket, handing me two brooches. "These are communicators. The captain wants you to wear these at all times. One is for you and the other is for your envoy. They clip to your clothing. To make them work, just tap it and ask for the person you want to speak with." Victoria tapped her communicator. It chirped. "Braxas to Cullen."

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