Chapter Twelve

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So, something completely different...I'm struggling with writer's block and I'm hoping that if I write something new, it will get my juices flowing. I saw something on one of the many group's walls and it intrigued me, The Twi-Sci-Fi/Fantasy Contest. I've always been interested in Star Trek and science fiction. Even before Twilight, it caught my attention. I even wrote some Star Trek: Deep Space Nine fic, but never posted it. Anyhow, the idea that I had couldn't really lend itself to a one-shot. I decided to make it full-length fic (or novella...whichever it turns out to be).

Now, none of this mine. I'm not Stephenie Meyer, nor do I claim to be. I just like to play with her characters because they make me forget about my life for a while. I also do not own Star Trek, which the space aspects of the story is loosely based off of. Everything mine.

Up next we'll be the continuation of where we left off, going to mystery coordinates, perhaps some lemony goodness and ... and ...

Chapter Twelve


I had ordered the death of my uncle. He was no more because of my decree. Because of my power as empress, my uncle, my father's brother, no longer had a head. He was being burned and his ashes were going to be thrown away like the trash that he was. I felt guilty.

Was I too harsh and too swift in my judgment?

Should I have given him leniency as I promised to get the decryption codes?

Should I have exiled him?

It was too late now, but I was questioning everything. "Empress, you need to pack your belongings," Maralice said quietly, breaking my reverie. "You and the emperor are leaving for the coordinates near the Neutral Zone aboard the Volvo within the hour. Is there anything you need?"

"Can you prepare Charanel to come with us?" I asked. "I need him with me. I don't trust anyone on the surface except Counselor Marcusi. He has to maintain the order of the government while I'm gone. Charanel would enjoy a trip on the Volvo. He hasn't been on a spaceship since he was a boy. He definitely hasn't been on a vessel as lavish as the Volvo. Pack his things and prepare him to depart as soon as he's ready."

"I'll make the arrangements, Empress," Maralice said, getting out of the hover car and darting to get Charanel ready to leave.

Edward squeezed my fingers, looking at his own envoy. "D'Metri, I need you to contact me if anything happens here," Edward said to his envoy. "I don't know if anyone is going to try anything, but I'd rather err on the side of caution. Additionally, I need you to keep digging through Norex's personal communication as well as the communication of the nobles who have fled Forx. We need to find out who is making these decisions about overthrowing the government."

"Of course, Emperor," D'Metri said quietly, his voice deep and solemn. He slid out of the hover car, walking to his own office in the Imperial Palace, his fingers flying over his tablet as he worked on the assignment that Edward gave him.

Looking at me, Edward brushed my hair from my neck. "Come, Fíorghrá," Edward whispered. "I need to change and we have to transport up to the Volvo." He cupped my cheek, encouraging me to look at him. He frowned slightly. "Are you okay? I mean, truly." Your mind is replaying Norex's execution over and over again.

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