Chapter Nine

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So, something completely different...I'm struggling with writer's block and I'm hoping that if I write something new, it will get my juices flowing. I saw something on one of the many group's walls and it intrigued me, The Twi-Sci-Fi/Fantasy Contest. I've always been interested in Star Trek and science fiction. Even before Twilight, it caught my attention. I even wrote some Star Trek: Deep Space Nine fic, but never posted it. Anyhow, the idea that I had couldn't really lend itself to a one-shot. I decided to make it full-length fic (or novella...whichever it turns out to be).

Now, none of this mine. I'm not Stephenie Meyer, nor do I claim to be. I just like to play with her characters because they make me forget about my life for a while. I also do not own Star Trek, which the space aspects of the story is loosely based off of. Everything mine.

Chapter Nine


Twenty minutes later, Edward contacted the Volvo and we were transported back to the Imperial Palace, in the center of the throne room. Maralice and D'Metri were waiting for us, guiding us into the command center of the palace. Jasper and the new tactical officer, Lt. Commander Garrett were looking at a recording. The Council of Elders were watching as well.

"Report," Edward said curtly, falling back into his role as captain.

"We just received this message from Crown Prince Jakob," Jasper explained, pressing a few controls and Jakob's evil sneer filling the screen. Another button was pressed and the resonant tone of my arch enemy filled the room.

"You are quite resilient, Empress. I've tried to kill you on three separate occasions and each time, you manage to slip away. The first was on Lapus. How you got that message up to that weakling captain is beyond me. The second was on that ridge on the colony in H'nan. The third attempt was aboard that Alphan vessel. You just won't die."

He tented his fingers, running his talons together. "I will kill you, though, Nirabelle. You and your weakling, human mate. Only after I tear you apart. I will feel you. Your funoch will be ripped to shreds when I am done with you."

His face morphed into an evil smile. "I bet you are wondering how I am one step ahead of you, Empress. I'll give you one hint, b'tak. You have a traitor in your midst. When the time is right, their identity will be revealed. Until then, I promise to terrorize you as often as I can. What I did on H'nan is nothing compared to what I have planned for Forx. And you will never know what hit you, Empress. You will be the ruler of ash and death. Oo-out!"

I was trembling, terrified of the obvious threat made by Jakob. The last thing I remember was Edward's arms around me and his mind frantically calling for mine as I slipped into unconsciousness, scared out of my mind.


"Nirabelle?" I whispered, catching her as she slumped. Guiding her to the ground, I clutched her to my body. "Nirabelle! Wake up, love. Please?"

Rose walked over, using a tricorder to run a scan. "Her heart rate is elevated and her mind is running a mile a minute. I can feel her terror, Captain."

"Jakob's face and his threats are running on a loop in her mind," I said, pulling her closer to me. I looked up at Counselor Marcusi. "We need to pull back Cygnarian forces from the Alphan border, tighten up our defenses. We need to protect the planet from any attacks."

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