Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"No, Penny," Laura rushed to her, "there's really no need. Feel free to stay, please."

Penny's eyebrows rose. "You sure?"

I nodded. "We could use an extra pair of hands,"

"I'm not doing any fortification, if that's what you were hoping," she said stubbornly.

"OK. Fine. You can look after Laura while the rest of us buff up this place," I said, "because she needs someone with her at all times. And we're not just being overprotective."

"You sure about that?" Laura asked me with a smirk.

"Well...maybe a little," I rolled my eyes, "but that's beside the point,"

"I'm OK with that," Laura shrugged, "but, er, keep the goat at a distance. I mean - he's cute, but...y'know...goats...ram things," she bit her lip.

"Yeah. OK. You got it," Penny nodded.

"This place is totally walker-free now?" I turned to everyone else.

"Looks like it," Hailee nodded, "Laura & I only saw dead ones on our way up here."

"OK," I nodded, "Mike, Liam, let's start getting out those supplies. We need to get this place secure ASAP."



"So, uh, this little kid...was it planned?" Penny asked me hesitantly as she handed me a cup of tea.

"Honestly? No," I chuckled, "but I don't mind. I'm happy to keep her."

"'Her'? So it's a girl then?"

"Mhmm," I smiled down at my bump fondly, "we can't wait to meet her."

"It seems kinda tedious carrying something that big around for nine months," Penny looked down at my stomach with a light frown, "and it's still getting bigger."

" get used to it," I shrugged, "she doesn't make it any easier when she starts to kick, but it's fine."

"What about the hormonal imbalance? Or all the aches?"

I shrugged again. "Same thing. You get used to it. I just feel bad whenever Harry & the others have to suffer my emotional wrath."

"Takes a lot of patience to carry a baby around, then?"

"Definitely," I nodded, "I'm just so grateful to them all for being so understanding," I then looked up at her, "why all these questions about my pregnancy, anyway?"

Penny shrugged. "I dunno, I've just...never really seen a pregnant chick properly before. I find it kind of...fascinating how big a woman's stomach can grow," she then bit her lip, "also...kinda freaky,"

I chuckled. "It's really not that bad."

"Anyway...what's your plan? Are you just gonna be, like, totally out of action for the next three months, or..?" Penny asked me.

"Oh, no. I'm gonna try and help out as much as I can," I said, "that is, if Harry actually lets me do anything," I added with another chuckle.

Penny broke out an amused smile. "Well, if there's one thing I've always known, it's the fact that he is hella protective over you. Probably even more so now that you're carrying his baby around,"

I laughed. "That's very true."

"So I won't keep my hopes up about you doing much," she winked at me - making me laugh again.

"Thanks for the tea, Penny. It's perfect," I wrapped my cold fingers around the hot cup and smiled at her.

"No problem. If I am stuck looking after you for the next few hours, I thought that I should at least try and be helpful,"

Breathing the Dead ~ H.Sحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن