3 - Jealousy

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m a y a

"Hey Lucas." I smiled at him, as he sat down next to me

"Hey." he said looking upset, "I made my decision."

"Look, Lucas. I know it's Riley. You would never hurt her. It's fine." I faked a smile

"Thanks for understanding Maya." He hugged me, "You'll always have a place in my heart."

"Maya!" Farkle shouted, as I opened my eyes, realizing that it was just a flashback. "Good, you're awake."

"Good morning to you too." I said getting up, "Ah, okay, my back hurts."

"Same." Farkle laughed

"I'm not trying to sound ungrateful or anything but really? Fish again?" I said

"What else is there?"

I shrugged, "It will have to do."

"I say we look around, and see what else is on this island, you know?" Farkle suggests

"I guess. It's not like I have plans." I sighed, "Ugh, I miss my couch. I miss my bed, I miss my fridge."

"I miss Movie Monday." Farkle laughed

"Me too." I smiled

Movie Monday was when Farkle and I would meet up and watch a movie, and we would only do this on Mondays since we were usually busy every other day of the week.

"So, are we going to be nice again and take Lucas and Riley food again? Or was that just a one time thing?" I asked

"It's up to you. We don't have much fish." Farkle answered, "Give them berries or something."

I laughed grabbing the berries that were stored in a half of an empty coconut, "I'll be right back."

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r i l e y

Lucas and I didn't sleep at all. We didn't have anywhere to.

We stayed up the whole night talking, and maybe a few kisses here and there.

It was now daylight. I was hungrier than ever.

"Maybe we should actually try and find some food today." I suggested

"Good idea." Lucas answered, kissing me on my cheek, "Let's go."

We began to walk deep in the woods, and found some berries, but we couldn't get them since we had no where to put them. We didn't really find much, just leaves, and dirt.

And that's when it hit me. Literally.

"Ouch." I shouted

"This branch came out of no where." Lucas laughed, "That's odd."

"Don't laugh. That hurt." I said, "Wait! We could make a fire if we find more sticks."

"Stick hunting here we go." Lucas said

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We found a lot of branches, we brought them back to where we were.

"So who's making the fire?" I asked

"Does it really matter?" Lucas asked

"Yes. If we want to survive, we have to work together."

"Let's both do it." Lucas smirked, and we got closer, my lips were a few centimeters away from his, but Maya walked in

"Oh, oops." Maya giggled, "We don't have much fish left so we brought you berries."

She handed us half a coconut full of berries.

"Where did you get the coconut?" I asked, remembering we found berries in the woods

"Uh, under a tree." Maya answered

"Thanks Maya." Lucas smiled at her

She smiled back, it looked somewhat forced, but she still smiled. She then walked away. I suddenly felt jealous.

"You never looked at me like that." I said, grabbing a handful of  berries and eating them

"What do you mean?" Lucas asked

"Your eyes never sparkle like that when you look at me! You still like Maya!" I shouted

"What? I haven't even talked or seen her in years!" Lucas shouted back, "Stop being a jealous freak!"

"There's more to the story. I can feel it. The way you look at each other, you've have been sneaking around with her! Behind my back!" I cried, "You cheated!"

"I'm not going to just sit here and listen to your imagination make up lies! I can't believe after all these years you don't trust me!" Lucas got up, and walk away

What did I just do?

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m a y a

As I walked away I heard Riley and Lucas argue, I would have just ignored it but then I heard my name.

I began to laugh quietly, Lucas still liking me? What a joke.

"I'm not going to just sit here and listen to your imagination make up lies! I can't believe after all these years you don't trust me!" Lucas shouted

I heard footsteps, he was walking in my direction. Fuck that, I began to run away.

"Maya?" He shouted

I stopped running and turned around a faked smile, "Hello."

"You heard that didn't you?"

"No pfft." I began to laugh, "Okay maybe I did."

"It's okay." He said catching up to where I was, "That was our second argument we had since we got here. I'm starting to think I wasted all these years with the wrong person."

He looked right in my eyes, I loved his green eyes, but I broke the eye contact quickly, "Well that's tragic. I have to get back to Farkle."

I began walking away, but he grabbed my arm, "I regret choosing her Maya."

"You just had a little argument, you love her. Don't let something like this come between you two." I said, taking his arm off me and running away

I needed to avoid him. I can't like him again. I can't go back to that stupid triangle.

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Will Rucas get back together?

Does Lucas like Maya?

Dun dun dun lol

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