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Louis pov

The gala yesterday was amazing. I really liked it. I do feel sorry that Cloë was scared, but I can't send the fans away. I mean thanks to them we have this big succes. Right now I was just hanging on the couch and watching tv.

Suddenly I realized it was Liams birthday. I totally forget because of the gala. I quikly grabbed my Phone and called Liam.

Liam: "hey whatsup mate?"

Louis: "happy birthday!!!"

Liam: "thanks wanna come over?"

Louis: "yeah ofcourse where are you?"

Liam: "still in doncaster a hotel. maybe we can go to a bar tonight?"

Louis: "yeah I would like that

Liam: "allright I will inform the other boys oh yeah take Cloë with you she's nice"

Louis: "I will ask her see you tonight"

Liam: "Be at the  goldcafe at 9 bye"

Louis: "bye Liam see you then"

After I said this I heard a beep as sign that Liam hung up. I switched to whatsapp to ask Cloë.

 I: Hey, would you like to go to a bar tonight? to celebrate Liams birthday the other boys will be there to.

Cloë: Yeah I would like that but I allready said to Tom that I will hang out with him tonight.

Shit I thought I really wanted her to come too.

I: maybe you can take Tom with you? It doesn't bother us.

Cloë: wait a minute I will ask him.

I waited in patient till Cloë would answer. It took already 5 minutes. Then I heard a beep. I couldn't wait to see her answer and switched quikly to whatsapp.

Cloë: Alright Tom wants to come too but how late and where we have to be?

I cheered in myself she would come too.

I: Uhm at 9 at the goldcafe

Cloë: okay see you there bye

I: bye

Now I knew Cloë would be there too I quikly texted this to Liam and that her friend will come too. As I allready thought it was no problem for Liam and he would like to meet her friend.

Now the next problem, What did I have to wear? I mean Cloë will be there too and I can't let other boys close to her. So I had to look for my best, this way she wouldn't pay attention to other boys. And no I'm not in love with her. It's just to take good care for my friend so she wouldn't end with the wrong boys.

I decided to go upstairs to my room and choose the perfect outfit since it was already 4pm. Once I was upstairs I heard Phoebe and Daisy playing with eachother and the Justin Bieber music from Lotties room. I couldn't understand why she would listen to that crap but alright. I went inside my room and opened my closet. Because my closet was kinda messy I decided the best way to look for the perfect outfit was to put all my clothes out the closet and spride them on the ground and bed. So I did.

After this I quikly found the right outfit. A blue jeans, a white/red shirt and my addidas shoes. Just when I put on the clothes too, my mum walked in.

"Louis Tomlinson what does this mean?"she asked not sounding really happy.

"uhm... I was searching for the perfect outfit tonight, for Liams party" I answered.

"And that is a reason to drop all your clothes on the ground? Nevermind I don't want to know just put them all back in your closet alright?" she said.

I nodded and she walked away. I decided to eat now so I could go away at time. I runned downstairs and made myself some soup. I sat down at the table and wanted to start eating, but from the moment I took the first bite my tongue was on fire.

"HOT HOT HOT" I yelled running to the sink to get some water.

I quikly drank a whole glass of water and went back to my soup to eat it after I cooled it down.

When I was done with eating, I did the dishes and watched some tv. Soon it was 8.50 and I decided to walk to the goldcafe. I could walk it because it wasn't very far away from my home and this way I could drink some beer.

Once I arrived there I saw Cloë and the boys already standing there. And at that moment was one thing sure.

I would use my plan.

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