Love at First Fight [An Arranged Marriage] 12

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Karli's POV

Once we got to the infirmary I had had two more pain waves. My stomach was killling me, I felt like I couldn’t walk anymore. The nurse admitted me into a room, but said that Jason couldn’t come in. He reluctantly let me go and went to the lobby. The nurse took me to the room and told me to sit on the table that was in the middle of the room. I did as she said and watched her fill out a paper on her clipboard. “Alright Ms. Tucker, what seems to be the problem?”

I told her about the incident in P.E. and that my stomach hurt earlier as well. She wrote a few notes and asked a few questions like , “has this happened before” and “have you had any other pains.” Right when I was going to answer, I felt my stomach unsettle. The nurse must have seen it on my face for she turned around and handed me a bucket. Only seconds later I up-chucked. I felt the acid burn my throat and the horrible taste in my mouth.

“Here sweetheart, wash out your mouth with this.” She handed me a cup of water and pointed to the sink. I took the water from her and took a gulp, swishing it in my mouth then spitting it out. I did it again then took a drink to soothe my throat.

“What did you have for breakfast this morning?,” the nurse asked me while putting the back of her hand on my forehead,“You’re a bit warm as well.”

“I had eggs and bacon and a piece of toast,” I answered. She nodded and wrote down a few more notes. “Well dear, looks like you have food poisoning.”

“Food poisoning? How long will I be sick?”

“Oh you should feel better in the next 24 hours. But for precaution, drink a lot of fluids and try eating foods such as potatoes and rice for the next few days. Go back to your room and rest. Tomorrow when you wake up, if you don’t feel any better don’t go to classes.” I nodded and thanked her. The pain in my stomach still dully throbbing, I went to the lobby to look for Jason. He saw me and came over. “Hey, I took your stuff to your room while I was waiting. What did they say?” he asked me.

“Food poisoning.” He nodded, looking relieved. “I’m glad it wasn’t something worse.”

I smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I better get to my room, the nurse said to rest and see how I felt in the morning. “Okay.”

When we got to my room Jason asked if there was anything I needed before he had to go back to class. I told him no and he left. I went to the bathroom and started the water so I could take a quick shower (I was sweaty from the gym) and went back into my room to grab pj bottoms and a tank top.

I got a water from the mini-fridge and gulped it down before returning to the bathroom. After my shower I changed clothes and dried my hair. Then I brushed my teeth, I could still taste the vile from earlier. I grabbed my ipod form my purse and searched my play list, clicking on a random song. Ocean Avenue by Yellowcard blasted through my earphones. Half-way through the song, I fell asleep.

When I woke up it was almost 4. The guys will just be getting out of class. My stomach still ached so I got another water and got on the computer. When I signed into messanger it said I had one new message. I clicked on the popup and an email from Vicky popped up. ( If you don’t remember, Vicky is her bff back home.)

Karli! OMG, what happened to you?! I called you and your

‘rents won’t tell me anything except you don’t live there any-

More. Where are you? I’m going nuts K, call me.

I sighed. God I feel terrible… she doesn’t even know why I left. I picked up my new cell phone that I got when I came here. Dialing Vicky’s number by heart, I put the phone to my ear. After 3 she answered. “Hello?”

Love at First Fight: An Arranged Marriage (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora