Love at First Fight [An Arranged Marriage] 7

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Karli’s POV

Today I’m going to meet Jason’s friends… I hope I don’t make a fool out of myself. Please don’t let me do that. It’s about 10: 25 right now and Jason’s will be here in an hour. I look at myself in the mirror, deciding what to do with my hair. I decided to curl it. I got my curler out and let it heat up while I went to my closet to pick out an outfit.

I looked around the closet, rummaging through my clothes. I was about to give up when I saw the prettiest shirt I’ve ever seen. It was a blue blouse with a low V neck.

I put the shirt on and looked for which pants to wear with it. After a little while I found a pair of dark skinny jeans and some ballet flats to match the shirt…I went back into the bathroom and curled my strawberry blonde hair so it looked like my hair was coming in waves. I put a charm bracelet on with diamond earrings and a necklace with a blue stone at the end. Last was make-up. I put blue eyeliner, mascara, white/sparkle eye shadow, and lip gloss on. I finished with a little blush to the cheeks. I looked at the clock: 11:15. Perfect timing.

I left my room and went downstairs in search for Jason. I found him in the kitchen having a snack. I walked up to the table and sat across from him. He still didn’t notice me, looking at a magazine. “Morning” Now he looked up. His eyes went wide. He was looking me up and down, sizing me up. His eyes stopped at my chest, where I had some cleavage because of the blouse. He returned his attention to my face when I spoke, “Jay, are you okay?” He smiled and nodded his head. “Yea, its just… you…just.. Wow. You look beautiful Karli.” I felt my face heat up. I wasn’t expecting that comment. “The guys are going to love you.”

“Thanks.” I said still blushing. Then the door bell rang. “There they are” Jason said getting out of his seat. I did the same and followed him to the door. My heart was beating rapidly, I was so nervous. What if they don’t like me? I took a deep breath and put on a smile right before Jay opened the door. “Hey Jay!” “Yo, what’s up dude?” “Where’s the girl?” I heard some of the people say at the same time. They all came in and walked into the living room. Once everyone was inside Jason spoke.

“Hey everyone, this is Karli, my fiance.” There were 3 boys and 3 girls in the room, all of them in a line. Jason touched the small of my back and lead me to the first person. “ Karli, this Shane, Raelynn, Nicole, Alex, Andrea and finally Nick.” I said hi to each of them and shook their hands.

Shane, the first in the line, had blonde hair and green eyes. I later on found out he is the laidback one in the group. Raelynn had brown hair and brown eyes, she was beautiful. All of the girls were. Nicole had brown hair and blue eyes and Andrea had black wavy hair with brown highlights and honey colored eyes. The other two boys were hot. Alex had short brown hair and blue eyes and Nick had black hair with brown eyes. He had his lip pierced too.

“Wow, I feel left out, you all are hot.” I said to them all. They laughed. Andrea said, “And your not? Girl you look absolutely gorgeous! Jay is lucky.” I blushed at the comment. “Thank you”

Okay, here is how it is, Nicole and Alex are twins, both 17. Alex is going out with Andrea, who is also 17. Nick and Raelynn are together, Nick 17, Raelynn 16. Nicole and Shane, 16, are both single. (Did I forget to mention Jason is 17? And Kimber is16)

After all the introductions were made, we all sat in the living room to talk. And when I said talk, I meant talk about me.

“So Karli, where are you from? How did you wind up with Jay?” Nicole asked. “Well, I’m from Illinois and.. Well I don’t really know how I was picked for this. I was just coming home from school when I was told to live here and marry Jason.”

“Oh, okay… so tell us some stuff about yourself.” Nicole said once again.

“Okay. Well, I’m 16, my favorite color is blue, I like to play sports and I love to draw. I’m also passionate towards children and listen to music a lot.” I replied as best as I could.

“What kind of music?” That was Alex this time. “All kinds really. Country, R&B, hip hop, blues, pop, rock… a lot of stuff.”

“And what kind of sports do you play?” Shane asked. “I play tennis, softball, a little basketball, I like to swim, and soccer.” “Wow, you are active.” I laughed, thinking about when Jason had the same reaction. I answered questions for as long as I could with out becoming exhausted. About half an hour later they had no more questions and I was relieved.

“Who’s hungry?” Jason asked. Everyone shouted a yes and we all went into the kitchen for lunch.

“Dude, where’s the chips?” Nick asked Jason. “We’re out, sorry man. I think we have pretzels in the cupboard though.”

I was sitting next to Nicole while talking to Andrea about the school. “I can’t wait to see it. It must be huge! And a dorm room?! That will be so cool!” I exclaimed to her. She chuckled. “Yea he dorms are cool, you can design them any way you want because you never switch your rooms. Once you have it you have it for good, until you graduate of course.”

When the food was ready, sandwiches, we ate slowly, talking among one another. I really like Andrea, she is so nice. She is my favorite in the group. Nicole and Raelynn are sweet too. And Alex keeps making me laugh. Shane seems to keep everything in line, the wise one in the group and Nick is a sweetheart. But what I love the most is how they have accepted me, made me part of their family within a matter of hours. That is what makes me feel good inside. That I’m wanted.

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