Love at First Fight [An Arranged Marriage] 11

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Yea, so sorry about the wait for you guys that read this.  Didn't think about updating it.

Karli’s POV

     Run Baby Run, don’t ever look back.  They’ll tear us apart if-  “Hello?,” I said drowsily into my phone.  “Time to get up!  It’s 6:30!  Have to be in class by eight!,” Raelynn shouted into my ear.  I groaned, still not awake.  Today is the first day of school.  “Come on Karli! Get up, get up!  Or I’ll bang on the wall until you do!”  Bam! Bam!  Ugh… “Fine, fine.  I’m up,” I said pulling my sheets back.  I hung up and went into the bathroom to start running the water.  I waited until it was just right and stripped of my clothes.  Once the water hit my skin, I was fully awake, and soon enough I was singing to My Chemical Romance’s ‘Teenagers’.  

     I got out 15 minutes late and dried my hair.  It didn’t take long so I easily got my thin hair dry and moved into my closet.  What to wear.. What to wear.  It was warm outside so I settled on a red, black, and white plaid skirt that went to my mid-thighs and poofed put a little at the bottom.  I got out a matching tank top that was a dark red with a skull with a black bow on it and put a cropped black jacket over it.  Last, I put on a pair of black flats and went back into the bathroom to fix my hair.  I straightened it and put it in a side ponytail.  I put on a black skull necklace and matching earrings.  I got my make-up out, putting the eyeliner on thick at the bottom and red eye shadow.  I looked at my watch : 7:40.  I got my necessities for the day and left my room.

     I knocked on Raelynn’s door and waited for her to come out.  We left the building and headed toward the café for breakfast.  We found Jason, Nick, and Nicole at a booth eating.  Me and Raelynn got in line and were back at the table in 5 minutes.  “Well Karli, you wasted no time getting dressed this morning,” Nick said.  I went red.  “Ha, Nick you made her blush,” Jason said putting his arm around me. “Well, I wanted to look good.  It’s not my fault my uniforms haven’t come yet,” I retorted.  Jason nodded, “And believe me, you do look very good.  Your uniforms should be here by Wednesday.”  I smiled at the compliment and nodded at the latter. 

     I ate my eggs and bacon quickly and waited for Raelynn and Nick so we could go to Algebra.  Soon enough they were ready to go.  I got up and kissed Jason goodbye.  See you next period,” Jason said.  “Bye.”  We left and were in class in 5 minutes because the classroom was next to the café.  Shane was already there and we sat next to each other.  As students piled in we talked to one another.  Soon the bell sounded and the teacher came in.

     “Good morning class,” Mrs. Smith said as she closed the door behind her, “Welcome to my Algebra Two class.  I am going to hand out a sheet here in a minute that has my class rules, expectations, and our syllabus for the year.  As I do so, I want you to read over them quickly while I take roll and assign you a textbook.  Your textbook will stay in the classroom unless you need one for any reason, you may check it out.  This applies to calculators as well.”  Mrs. Smith passed out the sheets as she talked some more about our homework and what-not.  “You may speak quietly to each other while I assign books.”

     I turned to Shane, who was behind me.  “Is she always this strict?,” I whispered.  “Yeah,” he whispered back, “but she’s cool.”  I nodded and turned back around.  The rules on Mrs. Smith’s sheet were simple and expectations were high,  but fair.  My eyes went to the syllabus, seeing that it was rather short, but hard.  We would have one quiz every Friday and we would have 5 tests a semester.

  “Karli Tucker.”  I looked up to see Mrs. Smith waiting for me to come to her desk.  “yes ma’am?,” I said politely, hoping to get on her good side.  “Here is your book, it is number 39, and your class calculator is K12, on the back wall,” she said and pointed to a burgundy shelf with at least 50 gray calculators on it.  I nodded and took the book from her and started to head back to seat.  “Oh, and Karli?”  I turned back around and waited for what she wanted. “Welcome to Johnson High, I hope you have a great time here,” she smiled sweetly.  I smiled back and thanked her.

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