Chapter 13

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  • Dedicated to Shonagh Allen


I looked to the door for the fifth time already since I've sat down and I'm still waiting for Luke to walk through it. What’s keeping him so long is all that hovers around in my brain, the aroma of mums chicken rice curry was wafting in the air and it just so happened to be Luke’s favourite meal and he wasn’t even here yet.

I sighed impatiently and saw Kalil come down the stairs and he took a seat beside me, he looked to me as i looked to him and I could tell that he was concerned but wouldn’t show it. I looked to the door again and I was shocked when it opened and he walked through, I jumped up from my chair with such speed that it tipped it over and I saw Kalil jump from the corner of my eye as I ran up to him and hugged him.

“Where have you been!? I've been worried sick I thought you had fell down one of those manholes” I told him worriedly and he just looked at me with an expression that told me that I shouldn’t joke about that, since he was scared of that happening and all.

He looked past me to Kalil and he had this serious thinking look overcome his flushed face… flushed? “Are you blushing?” I whispered to him and he looked down at me startled. “No I'm not blushing Cyrus, I just finished running for my life… I’ll tell you about it later” he told me while looking at Kalil and I grew suspicious of what was going on but I let it go.

I went and sat down in my seat once I had plucked it up from the floor and waited for dinner to be served, I don’t know why I had come down here so early before dinner was done, all I remember is coming down here after I woke up. I heard a quite ringtone go off and Kalil fetched his phone from his pocket and looked at it, he seemed a little excited and I tried to peek at the message but he pulled it away when I tried. “No fair, let me look” I said excitedly wondering what secret he might be hiding.

Kalil shook his head at me and patted me on the head and then mischievously ruffled my hair which made me pull away from his touch, I hated it when people messed up my hair. I kept secretly watching Luke from my eyelashes as I disguised it as looking down at the table and tracing the wooden patterns, he kept glancing at Kalil as he typed away on his phone and this only made my suspicions grow… they were planning something.

They could be plotting a prank on me, I gasped with shock and made it sound like a hiccup which made both of them look at me, if it’s not a prank then it could be… THAT THEY'RE JAPANESE ALIENS! Wait, that doesn’t make any sense.

I shook my head and wondered what else it could be, it could be that they're planning to steal my dinner… hmm I can see it now, I excuse myself from the table and they all nod their heads allowing me to go, they're smiling evilly while I go to the bathroom and while I'm in there they're gobbling it all down, so when I come back I gasp in horror at my non-existent food that very much existed before I went, and I collapse from the horror of having to go to bed with an empty stomach while they are full as a puffer fish laughing their gigantic heads off at my expense.

That’s it; I'm not leaving the table ever again while there’s still food on my plate.


Or maybe they are planning to steal my glorious emo styled hair, or they're going to draw a moustache on me with a permo and make me go to school, or it’s that they’ve set me up with a… GIRL! Oh the horror.

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