Chapter 12

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Just a warning but this chapter includes a grape scene (without the g) so don’t read it if it’s a bad subject.

There will be no PG version sorry, I can’t really dull this down but if you don’t want to read it just message me and I’ll tell you the important bit in it that you need to know for the story to make sense Thanks.


I walked inside and saw Gran in the kitchen cooking dinner, I looked at the clock it was only 6:28pm so I went upstairs and I fell onto my bed.

I took in the comfy soft bed smell that slowly calmed me down, I couldn’t believe that I ran into him of all people, he didn’t know that I had left my home town, but now he did… now I will have to hide and I’ll probably become one of those people who are afraid to leave their homes.

I felt my mind drift off to recall that awful time in my life where I was stuck with that horrid man.

It was a cool sunny day and when I lived at my old home…

“Mum I’ll just be out for a few hours okay” I yelled out for her to hear.

“Okay dear, don’t be too long and be safe” She yelled in reply

“I will, don’t worry” and I walked out the front door. I walked towards my friend’s house that was about fifteen minutes away from mine. I knocked on the beautifully decorated glass door and it opened revealing a very sexy tall and toned man.

“Hey Kyran, He’s not here but he said that he should be back in twenty, do you want to wait?” Kieran’s brother told me and I nodded and walked inside. I didn’t see the malicious grin on his face.

I looked around and realised that he was the only one that was here; the television was on and was showing some movie that looked like inspector gadget (A/N I thought of the movie when writing so I decided to add it :P) “Are you the only one home?” I asked him already having guessed the answer but needing reassurance.

“Yes I am, hey I want to show you something” Kieran’s brother said motioning me to follow him as he started walking down the hallway near the lounge room, I followed him till we stopped outside of a white door and he opened it and let me walk in first, it was dark so I couldn’t see too well but I knew that the ground was cement and that there was a window on the far side of this room.

I heard the door close behind him and I turned towards him, I felt his presence there and I knew that I didn’t recognise this room and deep down in my stomach I felt this sinking feeling stir.

“Can you turn on the lights please, I can’t see” I said trying to not let him hear the worry in my voice.

I heard his footsteps and for a moment thought he was turning the lights on, but that all changed when I felt him grab me and I tried to struggle but he was way too strong, I felt myself get thrown onto a bed and felt him slide up over me and I felt what I thought to be a handcuff go around my wrist linking me to the bed and the same with the other.

My body started to shake and I struggled to get my hands free but to no avail, I felt him get off of me and moments later a dull light popped on and I blinked numerously to get my eyes to adjust to the light that entered them.

“W-why are you doing this?” I asked him and he looked at me and laughed, he laughed at my pained, worried and confused expression. “Because scrawny, you turn me on just oh too much and I heard that you were dating my brother and that pisses me off” he said possessively which resulted in my body to shiver.

He came towards me and since I couldn’t do anything really to stop him, he started to strip me of my clothes. I tried wriggling around to make it harder on him but I think it made it easier which really wasn’t meant to happen.

So this is what it's like to love you (BoyxBoy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن