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Meg's POV:
"Josh oh my god, baby! What's wrong!!"
Simon told me what he said and I didn't know how to react, I didn't react. I needed Josh to snap out of this- without him I'm not happy! He was the most important thing in my life, he couldn't go, he couldn't leave me.

"There is no point me being here, you obviously don't want to have a family with me!" he pushed me away from him.

No. This was my fault. I made my boyfriend want to commit.

"Nono, Josh! I want to have a family with you, I really do! But right now it isn't the right thing for us. We live with our mates, you're up until 6AM recording GTA! Every time you leave the house you get fans queuing up for a photo! How could a baby help any of these situations!"

I stepped closer to Josh, grabbed his hands and looked into his eyes.

"I love you... more than anything. You can't leave me."

I could see he was trying to hold back the tears but he had to let them go. He was a mess. We was a mess. We sat there for about 5 minutes just crying and hugging before he said "I love you too." I gave him the biggest kiss ever.

"Josh, do you think we need a doctor over?"
"No, I was being stupid, I would never commit, I couldn't leave you here silly!"
"No buts. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere."

Nia's POV:
Me and Simon was sat downstairs in silence. I was so worried about Josh, I really hoped Meg could talk him out of it. I could see Simon was really worried too, his pupils were dilated, he was biting his lip and his legs wouldn't stop bouncing up and down. He even looks cute when he's worried.
"He wouldn't do it Simon. We both know he couldn't."
"You didn't hear his voice. He was ready to get a knife."
"And you really think he's going to commit suicide because he's having a rough patch in his relationship? You know him better than that. He has over 3 million fans, he has super good friends, a super fit girlfriend and more money than anything. He wouldn't give all of that up, believe me Simon. Josh is smart. He won't kill himself."
I walked over towards Simon and sat down next to him, draping my arm around him, "he won't leave you."

We sat there for another half an hour in silence. The atmosphere had a calming feel to it, like nothing bad could ever happen. It almost felt ghostly.


k lol bye

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