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*Im drinking Dr Pepper whilst writing this, you can thank me later Josh*

Lyla's POV:
As soon as I woke up I checked my phone and I tweeted "Today is the sidemen event! Bring it on!" Nia called me gay for tweeting that but I didn't care, I was really excited to go now and nobody could stop me. Over these past few months I have started to watch the sidemen (minus Simon) and I must admit, they are quite funny. I'm not sure who I like best honestly, I think Tobi is really funny but I also really like JJ.

Nia always teased me about watching the sidemen because I always moaned about them a year ago but now I'm addicted. There's still something with Simon which I don't like. I admit he is super cute but I just don't like him. at all...

We was getting ready to leave and Nia looked beautiful. She wore light blue denim shorts with the red SDMN tee and a cute flannel around her waist. Her hair was straightened and she wore the SDMN cap backwards. Her hair was on point as she had a red tint in her hair which suited her so much! She also wore white converse with red ankle socks. Flawless. Red was definitely her look. I hated going places with Nia, even casual places because she always looked stunning, she even rocks the lazy look with sweatpants. I really have a perfect best friend.

I didn't own any sidemen merch so I had to steal from Nia's wardrobe, all of her clothes were amazing I didn't know what to chose. I must have been standing there for about 10 minutes before I finally chose a black SDMN tshirt with white writing on it, I added a pair of high waisted white shorts and some sandals. I braided my long black hair and put some sunglasses on my head. We was definitely going to catch the sidemen's attention.

We headed off on the train taking selfies and making up dances to old One Direction songs which wasn't exactly Nia's first music choice but she seemed to like it. And, OMG, we was freaking out because Josh actually favourited my tweet, my gay tweet, like, WOAH. Before long we was in London and walking to the event, I was so excited to finally meet the people who have taken over my life.

When we arrived at the event all I could hear was screaming girls everywhere, it's fine, they're here for the same thing as you, I was trying to calm my anxiety which was kind of working, I was more excited than anxious, I can't even imagine what Nia was thinking.

Nia's POV:
There was neon lights everywhere, girls with flashing lights and tears streaming down their face, yep, they had just met the sidemen. I felt like I was in a dreamworld, I couldn't have felt any better.

Also, wearing shorts was definitely a good idea, it was so hot in there.

Anyway, Lyla noticed a table full of merch and she wanted to buy some since she had to steal the SDMN tshirt she was wearing from me (cheeky bitch, haha JK), I don't know how she had so much money after moving in with me, I was a mess when I first got my house. Well, she has a good job in an office and her boss fancies her so she gets good pay. Lyla was staring at it all for a good 15 minutes before she blurted "1 of everything!", my face dropped, (lucky bitch)!

We walked around for a bit more, brought more merch, then my eyes hit the jackpot "THE SIDEMEN!"

I don't know what to say

k lol bye

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