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Lyla's POV:
I can't believe Nia played the guilt trick to make me go to a sidemen event. To be honest, I think it will be fun, Nia gets to see Simon again, and I can meet the other sidemen and get a picture with Vik for my younger cousins, they will love it. (This is me persuading myself I will like it). I didn't mind lending the money to Nia though, I need to keep her sweet so she will let me move in with her...

2 months later | 1 month before the event.

"One month to go Lyla!!! Are you excited yet?" I could hear the excitement in Nia's voice over the phone, she's literally meeting her life.
"I guess so, I still think £100 is a lot of money to meet some little youtubers."
"You didn't have to pay for me Lyla! I would have found the money," there was a pause in the conversation until she continued, "you've been really good to me Lyla, I can't thank you enough, you're making me feel bad,"
"Don't worry about it, one day a time will come where you can repay me," I could tell Nia sensed me smile.
"What do you want Lyla?" She chuckled.
"I have to go, I will talk to you about it when I next see you in person, I want to see your face when I ask you, cya!"
As I put the phone down I ran upstairs, grabbed a cardigan and my car keys then headed off to Nia's house. I didn't even tell my parents where I was going, I just left. I probably should have told them, it was 10PM already. oh well, they don't care anymore.

I really hope Nia will like this idea, I could be messing everything up. No, don't think like that, she will be thrilled! I keep talking to myself. I'm sure I'm worrying about nothing. The drive didn't take too long, Nia lives about 5 minutes away, I would have walked but I don't trust this area.

Sorry this was quite a long chapter and there was a lot of speech
so sorry.

k lol bye.

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