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Nia's POV:
Me, Simon, Lyla, JJ, Josh and Meg were all sitting in the lounge of the sidemen house, Vik went to see his family that day. I was sitting on the floor infront of Simon and JJ was next to him on the sofa. Meg and Josh shared an arm chair making them cuddle up like they was stuck there and Lyla was on the floor the other side of the room. It was silent apart from the news, "Lewis, age 21, commited suicide by staring at bleach for more than 48 hours."
I quickly turned that shit off...

I decided to break the conversation by asking Meg and Josh a question... Why wasn't they telling anybody? "So, #mosh, when were you going to tell us about the baby?" Their mouths dropped wide open.

Meg's POV:
She asked that infront of everybody, everybody. My body must have tensed up because Josh was squeezing my arm. I felt my body getting warmer. The room started to spin. My breaths were getting shorter.
"Can you all leave?" I heard Josh say letting go of me and giving me some space. That's what I loved about him, he always knew exactly what to do. Thoughts bounced around my head until the room went black.

Josh's POV:
I could feel Meg's skin getting hotter and I could feel her heartbeat getting quicker against my chest. The only thing to do was to tell everybody to leave. So I did. I told everyone to go apart from Nia, she had to stay, but instead, she insisted on telling Simon something.

I looked over my shoulder to see Meg was passed out in the chair, I ran over to her, "Meg! Meg?" there was no answer, "Listen to me beautiful, no one will judge us, it's not a bad thing knowing, it's better for us. We don't have to keep it a secret anymore! Do we?" her perfect body relaxed and she opened her eyes, "they can't know, I'm getting rid of it!"

Simons POV:
We was all stood in the kitchen, Nia told me not to say anything, why would she do that? Is Meg not pregnant? Did Nia just want to keep a secret with me? No. That would be weird.

My thoughts were interrupted when Josh came into the kitchen looking sheepish. "why hello Daddy ZRK!" JJ couldn't help himself, Lyla was a bit more serious, "why didn't you tell us about the baby?" What Josh said next shocked everyone in the room, including him;

"What baby?"

oh snap.
We will try to get off this baby stuff in a few chapters, it's taking over the story.

k lol bye.

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